Basic Observation ||Sherlock Holmes||

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The flat was silent, as Sherlock was laying on the sofa thinking, and you were reading in your chair.

You had recently moved in, and were able to adapt relatively quickly to Sherlock's shifts in mood⁠—at that point you were able to handle the chaotic moments, and you knew what to do when Sherlock was focusing on a case.

You heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, though Sherlock probably didn't. You blinked to get yourself to stop focusing on the book. John would occasionally come and visit. Partially because you didn't always try to convince Sherlock to go out, and would sit inside for a long time if it weren't for John coming and trying to convince you to get outside.

You smiled. "Hello John."

Sherlock blinked at the sound of your voice, but didn't look at John.

John sighed, looking at the two of you.

"You need to go out." John said.

"Shh." Sherlock hushed him.

"Don't shush me, I bet neither of you have been outside all week."

"I'm on a case. I require this space to think." Sherlock said.

"I went for a walk." You stated. John raised his eyebrow at you.


You shrugged, and looked back down at your book.

John sighed again. "Okay, fine. Look: it's not healthy to be cooped up here, seeing no one but each other. One of you needs to go out, and meet someone."

"Are you suggesting a date?" Sherlock asked as though John had said the sky was green.

"Yes, Sherlock. I am suggesting that one of you go out on a date."

"No." Sherlock said, looking back at the ceiling.

"I'm not doing it." You said.

"Yes, you are." John said to you.

"What? Why me?"

"Because it's easier to get you out of the flat than Sherlock."

"Okay, fine," you sighed. "Sherlock, would you like to have dinner?"

John's eyes widened. "No, not each other⁠—"

"That would be infidelity, John. And yes, y/n, I would like to."

You smiled triumphantly at John.


"We've been dating for three months, John, do work on your observation skills." Sherlock stated.

John looked shocked.

"'re...oh, whatever, just, please get outside."

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