Sherlock Holmes → Imagine #1

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Imagine you're sitting in bed reading a book. It's late, and Sherlock is fast asleep next to you with his head in your lap. You can hear him snoring quietly, and somehow cutely. Your hand is in his hair, and only leaves so that you can turn the page—he fell asleep to the feeling of you running your fingers through his curls and massaging his scalp.

When you're done with the chapter, you put the book away, pretty tired yourself. You turn off the light, and move Sherlock off of you so that you are able to lay down. He wakes up to your stirrings—anticipating your departure, he wraps his arm around your waist, only for you to slip further under the covers. He nuzzles closer to you, falling asleep to the feeling of your fingers returning to your hair. 

He sleeps knowing you won't sleep. 

You sleep happily knowing you're able to get him to rest. 

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