When You're Sick [Preferences]

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He doesn't really know what to do—his main objective is to make sure you're well, and happy if not content, and it's difficult for you to be any of those things when you're sick (especially since the pile of blankets he stuffed you under don't seem to be doing it—you think you need less, he thinks you need more).

First thing's first: he wants to make sure it's not serious—you insist it isn't, and are resisting going to the hospital, so he phones John, and lists off your symptoms. He asks a lot of questions about what to do, like what will make you feel better, and what to do if there are more symptoms, or if any of them get worse, lists off hypotheticals, etc.

Second: once John has somehow convinced Sherlock that you are not in immediate danger due to your illness, he treats you like you're dying royalty.

If you want anything he doesn't have, he sends John or Mrs. Hudson to get it. He doesn't work on any cases because it's difficult to work while he's stressed about you—one time he was on a case, and he got John to work on you, but he found himself asking John how you were every five minutes, so he just sent John home and texted Lestrade distracted texts as the case progressed (he was still right about everything, he just hopes you never get sick when he's on a case again).

He doesn't exactly let you sleep, since he thinks you'll need something every five seconds, the only way to really get peace is by putting on a movie or a show or something else to watch, because even if he thinks it's boring, he'll stay with you, and eventually just lay next to you and holds you, knowing that if he's there, you'll tell him if you need something.

Even if you tell him not to get close to you because you don't want him to get sick, he ignores you, and cuddles anyway.


He knows you're sick as soon as you dodge the kiss he tries to give you in the morning—he knows you'd push him away if you were mad at him about something, or just wanted to be left alone due to you not sleeping well. But dodging or blocking meant you were sick.

He's slightly relieved to have a break from Sherlock's cases (don't get me wrong, he loves it, but my boy needs a break...plus he really likes being able to take care of you).

He's not as sarcastic when you're sick, and when he is sarcastic it usually isn't directed at you.

He always asks what's wrong/what symptoms you have and likes to know what's bothering you the most so that he can get you the right medicine.

Even if you're stubborn and don't want to take any medicine—he's even more stubborn, and ends up getting his way. He will stand in front of you all day waiting for you to take your medicine—you are not winning that fight. Any time you try to insist that you know what you're doing and can take care of yourself (usually trying to convince him that it's okay if he wants to go on a case) he starts talking about how he was a doctor etc. etc.

After medicine, he makes sure you drink water or tea or orange juice, or something else healthy. He makes sure you eat during the day, and he'll put a movie or show on for the two of you to watch. He makes sure you're comfortable enough, and rearranges things when you need. You most likely end up cuddling on the sofa, you probably fall asleep in his arms (he doesn't wake you up).


You try to hide your being sick from Mycroft, but he catches on quickly.

As soon as he realizes, he wants to take you to a doctor. You insist that you're fine, and will get better with some rest and some medicine. He's hesitant at first, but eventually gives in when you allow him to watch over you.

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