ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

938 24 1

You look towards Winston in shock, A Bodyguard?

"What's wrong (Y/N), you look worried"

"I-..I didn't expect this to be so serious"

John leads forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "You have no idea"

You look towards John, anxiously you ask ,"W-..what do you mean?"

Winston places a hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N), you seem tired, why don't we discuss this later today?"

Winston looks towards John, "Would you mind showing her where she will be staying?"

John nods and stands up, he takes your briefcase, "I'll wait for you near the elevator"

You nod and silently thank him.

John leaves to give you some privacy with Winston

"You never mentioned on the phone about a bodyguard, what's up with the secrets? Is a bodyguard really necessary?"

"Of course it's necessary (Y/N). Listen, we will discuss this later. Don't let John wait-.."

"Winston, your scaring me. You're clearly know something about Jeremy and the others that I don't-.."

You were cut off when the doors opened, an older man appeared.

This time it was an actual client.

Winston pat your back, signalling for you to leave.

"We'll discuss this later (Y/N)"

Still upset, you nod and leave the area, making your way back to the elevator.

The feeling of nervousness is overwhelming, you could even throw up.

You reached the elevator though you avoid his eyes and keep your head down.

When you both enter the elevator, he presses the 8th floor button.

You try your best to look okay and hide the fact that your nervous.

He breaks the silences by asking "You alright (Y/N)? You look terrible"

You look towards him, finally having a closer look at him, he does look attractive.

You smile, "Thanks, I appreciate the honesty".

He chuckles, "You know what I mean"

"I'm fine, I just haven't slept yet".

The elevator doors open, you both exit and make your way to the end of the hall.

Room 819

He opens the door for you, and places your briefcase inside.

He hands you the key to the room, "If you need me, I'm in the next room. I'll come and knock on the door when Winston is ready for you, but until then you should rest. You need it"

You take the keys from him, "Thank you again...uh-"

He smiles, "It's John"

You feel embarrassed, "Sorry, I-..I forget a lot when I get anxious"

He places his hands on your shoulders, your eyes lock, "Don't be (Y/N), your safe here and I'll make sure of it, I promise"

You smile, "Thank you, John"

He smiles and he goes to open his room door.

"Don't be a stranger, If you need anything just knock"

You nod, "Same goes for you"

He smiles and closes the door.

You do the same and locked your door



You can finally take a breath.

Being around John, makes you feel safer and at ease but now that your alone, all those nerves come crawling back.

Maybe you should take another cold shower, it's only 12:48 am and God only knows when Winston is ready with his client.

You make your way to the bathroom and in 15 minutes you finish, you put on a robe then lay down on the bed.

You start to think about the case again and you didn't even close your eyes, when your phone starts ringing.

Mom is calling, you pick up.

"Hi Mom, everything okay?"

"Yes darling, I just wanted to check if Winston has called you, I told him to call you and ask you to go-.."

"I'm already at the hotel mom"

"That was fast."

You chuckle.

"Well, did you get any sleep?"

"I was about to-.."

"Then I'll call you later, good night-.."

"Mom, are you sure your okay?"

"Of course dear, I'm just worried for you"

"Don't be, I have Winston watching me now and his Bodyguard"

"You mean your bodyguard"

"You knew?!"

You hear mom laughing, "He told me it would be a good idea and from what I heard, He's a looker"

"Winston said that?"

She chuckles, "I'm just pulling your leg, get some sleep. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Sure, talk later mom"

"Bye darling, love you"

"Love you too"

Call ends.



Talking to mom helped you forget a bit about the situation.

You feel your eyes grow heavier and without knowing, you fell asleep.

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