ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6: ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ

778 20 0

Author Note: To picture the upcoming events better, while watching JohnWick pay attention to his hotel room and the layout of it




You can't sleep.

You kept your eyes closed, but it doesn't work. You've been worried about Winston since he's got so many problems to worry about and your outburst was the cherry on top.

The window shines brightly, it's a full moon tonight. You've forgotten to close the curtains ,but you're too exhausted to get up now.

You can't help but wonder about the case, nothing comes to mind about ways to catch the other accomplices. Just the thought of it gives you a headache.
If only you'd take the time to find a way to catch the others instead of publishing Jeremy's arrest and having the others altered, then you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be afraid all the time

You keep moving and turning in bed
You feel uncomfortable, even with a bed that is much more comfortable than the one at home

You try to find a comfortable position, and the minute you turn to your left side


You hear a gunshot and glass shattering

You scream in fear

You're immediately up and out of bed but the minute your feet are on the ground, you feel the pain.
You look down and see your arm is covered in blood.
You hear another gunshot but thankfully it misses.
You take cover behind the bedframe that also has a glass wall above it.

You're putting pressure on your injured arm to slow the blood loss, it's horribly painful.

You try to think of an escape, but the door is opposite the window, it would be a clear shot

You can only hope and pray that someone hears and calls for help

More gunshots. Glass shatters above you, It penetrates your skin.

You only have the bedframe to keep you from getting killed.

It's painful, even with all the pressure, your arm won't stop bleeding, and glass penetrates your leg. You don't know what's gonna happen, only one outcome and it's being buried. The only thing you can do is cry and think about all the memories of your family: mom, dad, Jenny...Winston.

Oh God-...He was right, I'm such an idiot for ever doubting him.
What's going to happen now? Will I ever see him again?

I'm so sorry-...

The gunshots stop, assuming you're dead.
You muffle your cries, you don't want to risk being heard.
You could scream in pain.



All of a sudden, you hear keys and then the door in front of you opens, your unable to see who opened it, since there taking cover against the wall.

This time the gunshots are targeted at whoever is at the door.



No more gunshots...






All of a sudden, John emerges from the door and shoots three times, aiming at the shooter. He grabs you by your good arm and pulls you out of the room.

You hear another two gunshots but you're already safely away from the shooter's view.

John takes you to his room.

"Your safe now"

You're still in shock. You tug his arm lightly, "J-John-...".

"I'm here (Y/N), You'll be okay, I promise"

He helps you to his bathroom,
He closes the toilet lead and helps you sit, he takes out a first-aid kit and takes out a piece of dressing to tighten above the gunshot wound.

You hiss at the pain, eyes still full of tears.

"No windows, you'll be safer in here. Take my phone and call Charon for a doctor"

You feel dizzy, "W-...Winston?"

He wipes your tear from your cheek and smiles, "He's okay, don't worry"

He pulls out his phone and gives it to you.

You notice a glimpse of something black, long, and shiny-... A gun

"J-...John! Don't leave, please. You're going to get killed!"

"I won't be long, I'll just make sure he's gone-.."


"I'll be fine (Y/N), I'm professional."

He makes his way to the door, you stand up to stop him but the pain is too unbearable.

"I'll be back, don't worry (Y/N)"

He leaves and locks the door

You're too weak to go after him, you can only hope he can handle it.

You make your way to the bathroom and lock the door.

You sit on the floor and try to dial the number for reception, although the phone is covered with your blood and isn't working.

You can't do anything but wait for John, there should be a phone in the room but you wouldn't want to risk getting shot.

You feel dizzy and exhausted, with all the pain combined...
You lose consciousness

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