ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5: ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ

849 24 3

Your awoken by echoes of knocks at the door.


You hear John's voice calling from outside, he knocks a few more times.

Your still dizzy from the exhaustion, you glance at the clock beside you.

"Coming John, just give me a minute".

It's 8 in the evening and you fell asleep in your rob. You quickly get dressed in another dress, you put on your heels and fix your hair before you open door.

John is well dressed in another suit, he smiles at you

"Someone overslept"

He's leaning against the door frame.

You walk past him

You put your finger over your mouth, signalling for him to shut up.

"Yes, ma'am"

He follows you to the elevator

You side eye him, trying your best to hide your smile but showed useless since he smiles right back at you

You both enter the elevator, John presses the button on the floor where Winston's office would be

It's quite.

You look at John and find him already looking at you, you smile at each other

While your here might as well make some conversation.

The doors open, you both exist and make your way to Winston office.

"So-..John, how long have you known Winston?"

"For a good amount of years"


He nods, smiling at you

"How have you gotten to know each other?"

"I-..He had hired me to work with his security team and I guess he chosen me to look after his niece", He smiles at you again.

You smile back, Although you know his lying to you. You had gotten to know your uncle's security team awhile ago when Aunt Jenny had introduced them to you. If John had known Winston for years, then you would have met him from before.

You decided it's best not to press him, since your still getting to know each other and don't have an idea of what he's intentions are for lying.

Your outside Winston's office, John knocks and opens the door for you.

You thank him, he winks in response.

John closes the door be hide you, leaving you alone with your uncle.



When you walk in, Winston is sitting at his desk. Although his on the phone with someone.

He motions for you to take a seat.

You take a seat, facing across from each other.

"Listen Marcus we'll solve the issue later.."

Probably another client, a business deal gone wrong perhaps.

You've been in Winston's office many times before, nothing has changed: huge bookcases, an antique record player, a massive desk, and picture frames... of Aunt Jenny. It's been years since her murder and he still keeps them around, it makes you smile.

"Alright Marcus, we'll continue this later", He ends the call and sighs heavily.

He looks exhausted, "Everything alright?"

"Yes dear, just tired is all"

"We can discuss this later-.."

"No dear let's tackle this. Please ask me"

"Okay-..um, what's your knowledge about the case?"

He leans back in his chair, "I only read the paper (Y/N)"

"Then why all the secrets? What's the reason to why I need a bodyguard around me?"

He crosses his arms, "You don't like John?"

"He's alright, but it's not what I meant. Your obviously worried about this case, even I am but it's only three of them, it shouldn't be hard to catch them right?"

"And why do you think that?"

"I was thinking of interrogating Jeremy, offer him less time in exchange, he'll need to give  information on the others-.."

In a sudden, Winston stands up from his seat, "Are you out of your mind?!"

You're nervous but you also stand up, "How else do you want me to catch them, he's the only option I-.."

"Don't go near that man. There will be another way, just give it time-.."

"Time?! By the time I would find another way, they might find me and god knows what-.."

"That's why I have you here (Y/N), to keep an eye on you and make sure no one comes near you. With John's help, I can guarantee you that you'll be safe and you'll have all the time you need."

Your growing even more anxious, it's visible and Winston noticed.

"Believe me (Y/N),  the longer you stay, the better. You know I did all I could to make sure Jenny was safe. The minute she left my eyes, they striked. And that will not happen to you"

Your cheeks feel wet, you didn't even notice that your crying.

He's right

Winston frowns and walks to you but you hold your hand up to stop him.

You wipe your eyes, "Be honest, what do you know about the case?"

You thought to yourself: you've arrested many criminals before and yet, this particular one worries him. You know your uncle deals with questionable clients, Jenny had mentioned it to you. Did he hear something from a client and for some reason is not telling me?

He lowers his head, "(Y/N) take a seat please-.."

Your theory was correct

"NO! Tell me, you can't keep
valuable information hidden away from-..."

You were interrupted by John as he lets himself in.

"My apologies but Marcus is here and needs your attention immediately"

At this point, you're done and exhausted from all the secrets. You walk past John and ignore Winston calling after you.

You enter the elevator and press the button to the 8th floor.

The tears still falling, you wipe them away

You are not sure why you are crying, but the fact that Winston is hiding something from you that he knows is very important to you because you have worked so hard on this case, and yet he's chosen to keep it hidden, tells you that he does not trust you with certain information.

You exhale.

Your mind drifts off to Jenny and how he was saying the truth, that if she hadn't gone on that busy trip, she might still be alive.

The elevator doors open, and you make your way to the end of the hall.

You enter your room and change into your sleepwear, you're too exhausted after the argument, probably your first argument with Winston.

You lay back down on the cozy bed.
Your mind is occupied with thoughts but you close your eyes and maybe eventually,

 you'll fall asleep.

__________________________ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ_________________________

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