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Before some of y'all come at me, I'm working on the next chapter of my cynonari fic, I just ran out of ideas, and I may or may not have forgotten about it... But anyways, Kazuhei! Maybe even kazuheiscara but that depends on where this will go.

Like all my fics, criticism is allowed and if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes don't doubt to correct me!

Updates may not be consistent because of my cynonari fic, but I'll try to update every week or so.

I have nothing planned for this fic so things may not be very coherent.

I may include my genshin OC into this, but just in case:

My art skills are kind of shit but this will do. (Also ignore my afwull handwriting)

She's supposed to be one of Heizou's childhood friends in this fic.

All characters belong to Hoyoverse, except Riya.

Oblivious | Kazuhei | kazuheiscara(?) | Moder AuWhere stories live. Discover now