Chapter 2: Apologies

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Kazuha POV

A sudden light woke me up, I opened my eyes to see the door opened and... Riya?

-Oh thank god you two are ok- she said as she approached us, helping me get up and waking Heizou up in the process- How did you two end up in here- wait... Kazuha, what happened to you?- she said looking at my neck.

Sudden memories of last night hit me. I turned to look at the shelf so that Riya wouldn't notice my blush, but unfortunately, she did notice

-HEIZOU WHAT DID YOU DO WITH KAZUHA?!- she snapped at Heizou.

-Nothing! I didn't do anything!- he said. He looked at me, he was as confused as I was.

-Oh dear god... You were drunk, weren't you?- she asked.

-No I wasn't-

-Yes you were- I butted in.

-I was?! Oh... God- he said as he seemed to remember what had happened.

Heizou looked at me, and then looked at Riya. Something on her face must have told him to run, because that's exactly what he did and Riya chased him with a broom she found in the closet.

Time Skip

A few hours after Riya found us, Heizou sent me a text wanting to meet up at Ritou. I didn't have anything better to do so I agreed.

When I got there, I scanned the decks looking for Heizou, when I finally spotted him, he was standing on the deck, admiring the sunset in the distance.

-Hey, why did you ask me to come here?- I asked as I stood beside him.

-I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have done that-


-I was drunk and I couldn't stop myself-


-You probably hate me, but please, at least let me apologize-


I finally got him to stop talking, and he looked at me, waiting for me to talk. But instead, without a second thought, I leaned in and kissed him.

I pulled away and looked at him. He was staring at me wide-eyed.


-Heizou, you don't have to apologize- I said.

-So... You like me?!-

-I guess... I- I really don't know-

-Well, what if I take you out on a date and we find out?- he asked.

I smiled and agreed. This was going to be interesting.

A Few Days Later

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