Chapter 5

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I carried a few of Rylee's bags into her new room.

"Thank you for helping me Soda," Rylee said, grabbing all her bags and setting them down on the bed.

"Nah it's fine, let's get that cut looked at."

We found the bathroom fairly easily and I started cleaning the cut. As I applied the alcohol, she hissed a little but nothing much else.

"Hey, you wanna stay for the night? You helped me move stuff and it's pretty late." Rylee asked after I cleaned her cut.

"Uh, yeah why not. I'll call Darry." I smiled.


"Hey it's me Soda. Rylee bought a house for her and Johnny, I helped her move and I'm just gonna stay here tonight so I don't gotta walk back."

"Alright, no funny business."


"You're different with her Soda. You like her."

"Yeah but I don't want her to think she's just a rebound."

"Fair enough, goodnight Soda."

"Night Darry."

"You can have the bed I'll take the couch." Rylee said, coming out of her new room.

"Absolutely not. I'll sleep on the couch you can have your bed." I protested.

"It's only fair, you let me sleep in yours now it's my turn to return the favor."

"I'm not taking your bed Rylee."

"Or you could both take the bed, it's a queen there's plenty of room. Just no, ya know." Johnny spoke up.

"That works for me." Rylee said.

"Night," Johnny said going to his room.

We got settled into the bed and both just stared at the ceiling.

"Soda, I like you. A lot." She said. My heart fluttered.

"I-I like you too but-" I started.

"But." She sounded sad.

"I'm sorry Rylee."

"But what?"


"Soda, why can't we date?"

"I- Rylee can we talk about this later?"

"No I want to know!"

"Because I don't want you to feel like a rebound! It fucking sucks being a rebound and I don't want to break your heart!" As soon as I let the words out of my mouth I new I was screwed.

"Soda. I don't care about that, I care about you." She smiled. I smiled too.

"So will you be my Girlfriend?" I asked.

"Duh." She said before falling asleep.

Rylee's POV>>

(Morning) when I woke up, Soda wasn't next to me. In place of Soda was a note.

I had to go to work but didn't want to wake you, the boss said you have this week off :)

Weird, why did I have the week off? I got up and walked downstairs to make breakfast only to reveal there was no food. I hadn't gone shopping yet.

Soda gave me money to go shopping, be back soon. -JC

I watched TV until Johnny came home with groceries and then helped him put them away. After that we both stayed on the couch watching anything that was on.

Mi Amor - Soda CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now