Part 2

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3rd person perspective
It was yns first day in high school. She was kinda nervous but she new that it was going to be like any normal school day.

1600 kids go to the school so she new that she had to prepaid herself. (She's pretty claustrophobic) when she got there she easily found her first class. And went through all of her other classes easily.
Time skip to lunch

Yn was looking for Jacob and Jaden to sit with but it was pretty crowded so she stepped to the side and called javon. "Hey where are you guys" "hey umm we are in the far back right corner. We are sitting at a high table" "yeah yeah I dare you I'll be right over if that's ok" "yeah totally fine see you then" "ok bye"
"Hey guys" "hey y/n/n" both of them said.
So how was your guys start?" "It was pretty ok if I do say so my self. But that's just because all of my friends are in all of my classes" javon said. "Yeah mine was ok. It's school so nothing to fun, but I do have some friends in some classes so that good I guess" "yeah cool cool. Do I have any classes with you guys after lunch?" I say giving them my schedule "umm oo yeah you have bio with me and you have 7th off with both of us" Javon said. "Yeah and you have art with me" Jaden said. "Good cause I know literally no one in any of my 1st-4th period classes." "You'll get to know people" Javon said. Yeah yeah I know but you know how I am" "yeah we know" Javon said.

Me and Jaden started to walk to art because the end of lunch bell rang. The walk there was crazy. I let Jaden lead and I held onto his backpack so I wouldn't get lost. When we got out of the crazyness I caught up so I could walk beside him. "You'll get use to it" Jaden said breaking the silence. "Hopefully" we continued to walk down the hall and went into our classroom. It was dark in it. Window light was the only thing keeping it from not being pitch black. There were mirrors, on the ceiling in certain places and long tall white tables on the side leaving a walkway down the middle of the class. We picked the seats next to the window with the most light and the teacher started. This class seamed strict so I was a little nervous. I only did drawing as a hobby but now I'm in a class with high expectations. We started off with lots of notes. Blah blah blah.
Time skip to biology
Jaden and I went our separate ways and I went to the bio classroom getting really lost on the way. Now when I got into the classroom I could already tell this teacher and I are going to have beef. She said absolutely no phones, and we have to do like 3 assignments in one day. I have dyslexia so it's hard to keep up with this stuff. Thankfully I have Javon to help me out.
Time skip to off block
Now usually freshmen don't get off blocks because they have to get in there credits so the can graduate but I had to because of softball. I had been doing hs softball camp over the summer so I was somewhat familiar. I made jv softball but I was the best on the team. The coach I was really connected to had some health things he needed to take care of so he couldn't coach and we almost had to quit the team but then the jv basketball coach/head baseball coach Steph in also with a girls parent. I didn't like that coach because he really didn't know how to coach. Like Oml he made me so mad. But the other one I loved we clicked when I was doing hs basketball camp over the summer.
Ok back to the story

We went to the assistant softball coach's room for our off block and just hung out. We still had 8th period after this and then we could go home. I'm already so done with this place.
Time skip to end of day.
Me and Javon and Jaden met up in the front with my brother so he could drive us all home. I always got told that I was mentally the I left sibling because I was more mature that way then him but he always denied it. He drove us home and I went over to the Walton's house. When I got in there I grabbed some fruit snacks and went up to Jaden's room and tree myself onto his bed face first. I was so tired it wasn't even funny. "You ok y/n/n?" "Yeah just tired jay" then I felt warm arms rap around me and hold me tight. We always cuddle so it wasn't anything new. I turned off of my belly and faced him then rapping my arms around him and we fell asleep like that.

Sorry it's sort but give me ideas for the next part. What should happen at school, after school, before school ect...
Wc: 888
Have a good day loves <3

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