Part 15

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We left the school and drove to in and out, got our food, and ate in the car. We laughed and laughed, until we finished...
"what now?" "Up to you" we couldn't go home and we couldn't go to scroll what do we do??? "Let's go to the park!!" "Sound good to me."
We drove and when we got there yn ran straight to the Spinny seats. "Yn you're going to end up throwing up" "no it'll be fun, you get in that one I'll get in this one." I set up my phone camera so I could record what happens. I got in the seat, Jaden too, and we spun around as fast as we could! "Ok Jaden get out on three, one two three!" We both got out and I fell straight forward, on my face. Jaden fell on his but and he died laughing once he noticed me.
His laugh was contagious so I laughed with my face on the ground not moving... he thought I was crying for a second so he continued to laugh but walk over to me on his knees. "Are- are you ok yn" he barely got out because of his laugh.
"Y- yeah" I said also laughing.. he then laughed even more and put his head on my back and laughed so so hard. I got up and cupped his face looking into his eyes. They were watery because of how hard he was laughing. "That's not funny" I said with a small smile. "Yes it is" "you want to be like that huh?" "I guess so" "fine... tag" I said getting up and running, still in the cameras view point, but I did forget about it recording. "Get your ass back her yn" he said getting up and chasing after me. I laughed wich made me slower. I ran up the stairs and across the bridge, and onto the slide. I saw my phone, but didn't have time to pick it up, I ran passed it. Then turned around and tan the other way
I go tired and Jaden was right on my tail so I turned around and jumped on him. He fell on his back and it made me fall on my knees. He did help a little. But he landed on rubber and I landed on concrete.
I tried not to let it show that it hurt me, but it did.  With my knees already really bad it just made it worse. "Shit, yn are you ok?" "Mhm" I said holding my breath. He helped me up and walked me to a bench, this was all getting caught in camera..
he lifted my leggings (flares) and took a look at my knees, there was already a bruise forming, and one was scraped, the other just a bruise. "That's a good one yn, let's get you home and get some ice on it..." he said and kissed both knees. He then let me get on his back and gave me a piggy back ride.
"Wait my phone" "where is it?" "Over on the poll, omg I think we got all of it on camera." "Haha that's actually so funny" "we are gonna watch this when we get home, oh no" "what.." "we can't go home, I'll get yelled at" "just say you fell at school" "ok ok"
We got home, he sat me in the couch with ice and kissed me on the forehead.

Hey so so sorry again, it is really short, I just don't have any ideas on what to write about... so please give me some... that would be really helpful. If you aren't reading this one, or a part isn't posted on this one... go look at my other story, and it should have a part that is posted!!!
Wc: 636

Jaden Walton X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now