Part 3

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I woke up at 1:00 am realizing that I was still at the Walton's. I really didn't want to go. When I'm cuddling with Jaden everything seems to go away. It was nice. But I knew I had to because school tomorrow. I got home and couldn't sleep at all. Ugh I knew I was going to be so so tired.
I woke up at 7:00, I had to leave at 8 cause school starts at 8:30. I'm def not a morning person. I fell asleep around 5 so only got 2 hours of sleep after going back to my house. I freaking hate myself. I was literally so so tired. I got ready and got into my brothers truck so did the twins. I had my eyes closed because it was hard to keep them open they were so heavy. "You ok y/n/n?" Jaden said. "Yeah I'm really tired though, only got 2 hours of sleep when I got back to mine." "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, why did you leave" "I had to j, it was a school night and you know how my parents are" "true but-" "j..." he just gave me a 😕 look. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes trying my best to stay awake. He put his arm around my body pulling me closer to him.

Like this ⬆️When we arrived I had fallen asleep so Jaden woke me up by shaking me gently and my brother (m/b) and javon screamed at me

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When we arrived I had fallen asleep so Jaden woke me up by shaking me gently and my brother (m/b) and javon screamed at me. Today is going to be rough. I slowly walked to my first class and that class was discovery. All you do in that class is make up work and I didn't have any so I just slept. It's a class for dyslexic kids. Our classes today were an hour and 45 minutes because it was a odd day. Tomorrow is a even day and missy we have all classes.(hopefully that makes sense) when the class ended I headed over to math. We had to do a work sheet that I had no idea how to go. Again dyslexic. But I finished it then moved on. Time skip to lunch. I met up with the twins at the same table we were at yesterday. But this time there were two girls standing over there. I had beef with them. One was named Ashly (sorry if you're named these) and the other was ally, soon later ava showed up. I've know ally and Ava since elementary and they always found a way to get me to let my guard down then make me feel bad about my self. Maybe because they were jealous or something. Ashly was just fake. She is only a good friend when I am the last resort when all of her other friends weren't around.
I gave the twins a wtf look and the shrugged there shoulders. When I sat down in between the twins they looked me up and down and gave me there fake smile. I learned a thing or two about these girls because 8 years of my life they have played me. And they are what started my trust issues. Also all of the other fake friends. I'm telling you the Walton's are the only true people I know. Anyways. I fake smiled back and rolled my eyes pulling my lunch box out of my backpack. I start led to each my cucumbers and they were just starring at me. "Don't you think you eat enough" Ava said. "Excuse me" "you heard me" "you know it is kinda sad, you don't have anything better to do but stare at me and my friends, like I know we are hot but like back off." I said giving the a disgusted look. They scoffed and looked away. I put my cucumbers back in my lunch box. (I'm not heavy I have abs but they made me feel that I was yk) "y/n/n don't let th get to you. There just jealous." Javon said. "Yeah, and plus you're like 10 times as more beautiful then they are." Jaden said. It made me blush a little Ngl. "Thanks guys but I'm just not hungry anymore." "Ok" they said. I put my head down and closed my eye. Then I heard the bell ring and javon left but Jaden was waiting for me on his phone. I quickly got everything together and we went to our class. Again I went to hold onto his backpack but then he turned around and interlocked our fingers. (Bro if this happened irl...) I instantly got butterflies and smiled. When we got out of the crowd he kept on holding my hand but acted like it was nothing. "So what we're the As talking to you guys about" "oh they wanted our numbers." "Oh.." "we didn't give it to them of course they are b*tchs" "yeah" when we got to the end of the hall he twirled me around (sorry if it is cringe but I think it is cute) Jaden always knew how to cheer me up. "After you my lady" I giggled "thank you kind sir" I love Jaden so freaking much

We had to draw something that represented us. The only thing I could thing of was basketball and softball. "Jaden what are you going to draw" "not to sure yet. Probably something this baseball" "cool" "what about you" "umm I don't know but I don't feel like drawing basketball or softball yk" "yeah understandable" I have always gad a thing for sunsets. I love them so much. I decided to do that. A nice sunset on the beach. I started it but didn't finish but that's ok because we will have all next class to finish. Now off block with Jaden and Javon. Our softball girls found out that we were hanging here and wanted to hang here too. But the only the thing is one is a pick me, she uses me to get to them all the time. And one I'm pretty sure is gay. And the other two are ok, probably want to be friends with them but they are kinda weird. Any who. They were crazy. Kena (the one I'm sure is gay) was bullying me like always. Gabs and Lainey were drawing on the bored. And jade was all over the twins. They gave me a help look so I stepped in. Anything that I do jade would want to do. So I started to draw on the bored and she came over and did that. I walked back over to the twins and sat in between them. They both put there heads on my shoulder and I hugged them. "Hey do you want to come with me to go and get my stuff for softball." " yeah sure" the twins said. I got up and started walking they walked beside me. (Main character shit right here) I put my arms around there shoulders and walked on my tippy toes so I could reach. "What are you doing" Javon said laughing. "No clue jav" they both laugh, which makes me laugh. "Shhh we are gonna get in trouble. We reached the room where I had my bag stored. It was one with wheels. Like a catchers Bag but not. I didn't get the backpack one because on my shoulders. My right shoulders tendon pops out of place sometimes. Hurts bad but I'm ok. And my right triceps has tendinitis but again I'm fine. Any who I got my bag and went to the bathroom to change into softball pants. We were gonna do situational stuff so we were probably gonna slide.
I got out and we started walking back to our room that we were in. But then Jaden stopped me and twirls me around. I giggled. "Damn love, you look good" "Jaden" I said laughing. "What it's true" "you're weird bro" Javon said. "What I'm hyping her up man" Javon looked me up and down then said "you look good" "thanks" we started walking when we got there I laid down on the table and closed my eyes. Jaden and Javon sat in the seats at the table that I was laying at and put there heads Down. The bell rang and I told them my brother will take them home and I'll see them after practice. I gave them a hug and left. We started our practice with grounders and going 1. I did it good, so did the others, and I knew I had to step it up. After grounders we did base running. We timed it and I was the fastest. 2 seconds faster then the second fastest. (Ik that sounds unrealistic but I was, I use my cleats as a advantage they don't)
Towards the end of practice I saw jayla and the twins standing there. I got excited. We were scrimmaging and the first batter was up. She hit a grounder to 2nd and the 2nd basemen fumbled it. That was jade. I swear when she is playing 2nd I have to play both short and 2nd base. "Come on ladies clean it up" I yelled. The next batter was up and she hit it to 2nd again. "Hey 2222" I yelled. She underhanded it to me and I threw 1. Got both of them out. "Hey 2 down leafs get this next one" I heard the Walton's cheering me on and I smiled. The next one went to the out feild. "Hey hey hey cut cut cut" i yelled. I saw she was going home so I threw it there and she was safe. Damn it. Then I heard jade mocking me saying "come on Laurie's pick it up" and the infield laughed. I never really had friends on this team. I mean it's sad but it's the reality. I started to get in my head and that's when coach pulled me to be a runner. I go my helmet, batting gloves, and bat. While I was walking out Jaden came to the fence and said "hey yn don't let them get to you. They are just jealous that you're a better leader and player them them." Thanks j, this hits for you" I said winking at him. I got to the plate and took a deep breath clearing my head and got heady as she started the pitch. Loaded, swung. I hit it to the out field and made it to 3rd. I made a heart with my hand and pointed to the fence. Last hitter, wild pitch and I stole home. I was drained at this point and practice was done. I went over to the twins and jayla giving them a hug. "No you're sweaty" jayla and Javon said "come here" Jaden said and I gave him a tight hug. "Thank you" I whispered to him "it's nothing"

I hope you like this part. Again give me ideas on what to wright in the next part
Wc: 1848

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