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What's going on here..? Jimin asked them..

Jungkook looked at his boyfriend which he was looking at them with confused eyes..'

"Baby... you here..? When did you wake-up..? Jungkook asking him tensed voice while he want to coverup the situation..'then he quickly hide that book his behind..

"Just now.. I heard you guys are shouting. What happened..? Jimin asked in soothing voice..'

M..me.? Shouting..? N..no nothing baby..' we're just talking that's it..you go and just ready.. I will take you for shopping..' jungkook said to him but he stuttered.

Yeah..that's ok.. but what you're hiding kookie..? Jimin asked him cutely and innocently..'

jungkook cooed his actions he really melts into his cuteness..' but now what he can do..? His soulmate taelien created one horny book.. for his desires. He didn't want to caught this book to his innocent eyes..' he didn't want to ruin his innocent.

Umm.. nothing..baby..

You go and get ready..'

"Let me see what is it.." jimin coming towards him.

Jungkook eyes slightly widened..' and backing off from him.

"Baby I told you it's nothing..".. jungkook said with tensed smile.

"If it's nothing means than why are you not let me see.."

It's nothing baby.. jungkook said in low voice..'

Jungkook was backing off but jimin was continued his steps towards to jungkook..'

"Let me see kookah..' then jimin trying to snatch from his behind which he was hiding securely.

"B..baby it's nothing please..baby please.. jungkook was literally pleading him but the smaller one was stubborn he's not listening his words at all.

'Jimin slightly looked at jungkook.' "It's book...why are you trying to hide this book from me kookie..? What did you write in that book..? Let me see..?

"Baby please...jungkook was wiggling and try not snatch that book from him..'

Finally jimin snatched that book from jungkook's grip and the smaller one examining the cover page of book.. which it's titled with "PYSCHO LOVE" Jimin eyes furrows when he saw that tittle.

"What is this book kookie..? Jimin asking him while he flipping the pages.

B..baby it's..jungkook throat became dry.. he doesn't know how to answer him.

"Poor jimin" he unfortunately opened the "R@pe scene page...😅" and he read two three lines normally.." and that's it "BooM" jimin was shocked and he widened both his eyes and mouth.

"Jungkook face palmed when he saw jimin expressions....

"KOOKIEEE.................. Jimin called him in shocking voice.

Then he looked at jungkook with widen eyes.

"B..baby.... Jungkook said in tense voice.

"What is this kookie..? How can you write this kind of stories..? I didn't think about you like this..

Jungkook heart was beat so faster..'

"Jimin baby.. jungkook didn't write that story...Jin said to jimin..

"Then who wrote this hyung..? Jimin asked him with slight stern tone.

Everyone slowly moved their head turns towards taehyung.. and looked at him..

Then jimin looked at taehyung angrily..'

Taehyung was looking at him with tensed confused boxy smile..'

Taeeeeeeeeee..: jimin shouted at him and without wasting any time jimin attacked on taehyung.

Jimin started beating taehyung with his small chubby fisted hands..' which it's not affecting at him at all..'
How dare you.. to write those kind of stories on me and kookie huh..? You taelien.... His hittings are getting stronger..'

Chimmy ahhh.. please chimmy.. stop I don't write stories anymore trust me..'
Jungkook immediately ran towards jimin and held him from back side and parting away from taehyung.
Finally jungkook parted away and jimin was wiggling in his hold..' jimin legs didn't touch to the ground he was too short compared with jungkook. So he was wiggling in the air when jungkook was holding him.

"Kookie.. leave me I just want to kill that taelien..

"Baby... leave it.." jungkook was trying keep calm his baby..'
but this little angry mochi was showing lot of anger..'

"Jungkook get came closer to his ears and said in soothing voice..' Baby..please. Listen to me please..'

Then jimin slowly getting calmer and stopped wiggling in his hold.

"Tae suddenly screamed.."

Yaaah taelien.. you're lucky today other wise at this time we're getting ready for your funeral..' Jin said while twisting his ears..

"Ah ..hyung I'm sorry sorry. Just leave me.. tae said in desperate voice.

"Yaa you monkey apologise to jimin not to me..'

Namjoon and yoongi are holding their laughs try not to burst into louder.

Taehyung turned his head towards jimin and hugged him tightly..' "I'm so sorry Minnie..' please forgive your soulmate.." taehyung said in cute voice.

Jimin was sweet heart..' his heart melts so easily..' he cooed at his childish actions..' so he hugged him back and laid his tiny head on his shoulder and muffled cutely..'

"Itshh.. okk.. I forgive you jimin sad cutely..'

Taehyung eyes brimmed with happiness..' so hugged him more tightly..' and kissed on his rosy chubby cheeks..'
"Thank you Minnie.."

Jungkook eyes widened when taelien was kissed his "man" so he make him parted away from hug and he hugged his jimin..' in possessive manner..'

Yaa.. taelien he's "Mine" don't laid your fingers on my doll.. got it.. jungkook said sternly..'

Taehyung rolled his eyes..' by jungkook's behaviour.
Yaah.. bunny.. before your boyfriend.. he's my soulmate..' remember that..' taehyung said in pride voice..
Ha ha ha .. what ever now he's mine..'

"Guys just relax.." jimin laughed at them and making them cool..'

Yeah. I'm ok.. I'm ok..' hehe tae said while giggling..'
jungkook also showed some bunny smile..'

'Ok Then I'm going..' taehyung suddenly said..'

"Where" jimin and everyone asked him..'
taehyung was backing off slowly..' while looking at everyone..

Members didn't understand why taehyung was backing off..'

"For writing "PSYCHO LOVE" part-2.."

Jimin and jungkook and everyone eyes widened...' when taehyung said like that..'

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa taeeeeeeeeeeeeee jimin and jungkook screamed at him..'
taehyung sticks his tongue and ran like bullet train from that place while laughing so loudly..'

Waittttttttttttt i will kill you taelien.... Waittttt
jimin screamed at him and chase after him.

"Members are laughed at them because of their childish acts.."

'Like that bangtan house will always filled with laughs and childish fights..'

THE END.....😅

Ufff.. finally it's end..' thank you so much guys for baring this story..'
i got good response about this book I'm really so happy..'
it's all because of you

Thank you so much..' 🥹

Bye take care.. love you all.

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