Chapter 3

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"Good Morning, Victor" Anna says to me as I walk through the doors to work. Yesterday was the first time I met Rika. Today I will go back in and talk to her.

"Morning, Anna" I say tiredly. I didn't sleep much last night. I couldn't stop thinking about my new patient. Is she truly insane, or is there a reason she is a murderer? I just don't know. I want to know. I NEED to know. I quickly leave the office before Anna has the chance to ask me what's wrong. I walk down the long hallway to the elevator. Pressing the down button, the doors open quickly. I punch in the button to floor 47. The elevator plunges under ground and stops at the correct floor. my eyes quickly adjust to the dim lighting. I walk to her room.

I open the door without hesitation. She is in the exact position as she was yesterday. She is looking down at the floor. I clear my throat to get her attention. She doesn't acknowledge my presence. I speak to her.

"Miss Mae, I am here for your daily evaluation." I speak clearly and slowly. She doesn't speak or even move. I walk around her. "Rika..." I say. I look at her. She is shaking slightly. "Rika, look at me." I command. Her head lifts. She looks into my eyes. A psychotic smile stretched across her face. Insanity dances in her eyes.

"Rika, say something." I speak slowly.



"I want to kill you." She says in a deranged voice. A mad laugh bubbles in her throat, soon becoming a full on laugh of a maniac. Her laugh echos in the small, white room. Chills run down my spine. I calm myself so I can speak.

"Why?" I ask, hiding all hints of terror in my voice. I try to stay as calm as I can.

Her smile suddenly drops. She wasn't excepting that. She looks at me, her mouth slightly open. She is stunned.

"I don't want to be here..." She states plainly.

"And you think killing me is going to help you get out?" I ask, With out letting her answer, I speak again. "I am your ONLY chance of leaving. I am the best psychiatrist here. Don't forget that."

"You don't scare me!" She says, fighting her restraints.

"Good. I'm not here to scare you. I am here to help you." I say, bending down so We are at eye level. "I want to get to know you."

"Why? Why do you care!? You're a doctor! Not a Fucking friend!" She says.

"I want to be a friend. But I need to be a doctor." I say. She doesn't speak. "Would you like to tell me something I don't already know?" She looks up, as if she is thinking.

"I am left-handed" She says quietly. "And I like to draw."

"Really?" I ask, I am sincere in my questions.

"Yes. It is my favorite thing to do." When she speaks, she sounds like a normal person. She doesn't sound crazy.

"When you get your bindings off, you will have to show me your drawings ok?" I ask. She smiles slightly and nods. I smile too. It's nice to see her calm, and no cussing and yelling at me. I decide to leave this session on a good note.

"I will be leaving now. I will see you again tomorrow." I stand and walk to the door.

"Goodbye, Victor." She says. I leave the room. I walk to the elevator as A chill runs down my spine. I stop. I never told her my first name. Who told her?! I quickly make it to the elevator. I press the up button. The doors open and I get inside. I tap the level 1 button. The elevator moves upward. I half walk half jog to the front desk.

"Anna" I say as I walk into the lobby.

"Yes Victor?"

"Who is able to speak to my patient?" I ask.

"Only you sir, you should know this." Anna says.

"Then who..." I say quietly.


"Oh, it's nothing." I smile reassuringly. I walk off into one of the hallways. I find my office and go inside. Closing the door behind me, I sit at my desk. I rest my head on my hands. How did she get my name? I am the only one who speaks to her. I didn't tell her. These questions race through my mind. I'll ask her. Tomorrow. I'll ask her how she got my name.

I take notes on everything she said. I have to write down every conversation that we have, down to the last detail. I finish typing and begin to file papers. I finish my work and leave my office. I say goodbye to anna on my way out. I find my car, and drive home. I go inside and, putting my bag on the floor.

I cook dinner. I fill my plate full of steaming hot food and bring it to the living room. I turn on the tv and flip through the channels to find something interesting. Nothing. I turn it off and eat my food in silence. I finish, taking my plate to the kitchen. I wash my dishes and retire to my room.

I lay on my bed in the dark. All I can think about is my job. I don't even have a life. on the weekends I spend all my time at the gym. I can't keep a girlfriend because of my work. I bury my face into a pillow. That's ok though. I only need my work. That's all I will ever need.

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