Chapter 4

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 "Rika's Condition seems to be stable. She has bursts of anger, but they seem to happen less often. I think she is ready to try a day with out the straight-jacket. With full supervision, I believer she will be ok. I hope to see more improvement with her as I continue. I think by giving her a bit more freedom, she will be more open to the treatments. I understand that the 3rd is coming up next week. I believe the testing should wait until she is more stable. When ever I try to talk to her about it, It seems to trigger something, bringing her to a chaotic state of mind. I hope you consider moving the testing. Other then that, She is doing good. I hope to have more to say in my next update."

Days seem to blend together. Before I know it, a full month has passed. She doesn't tell me much. She is getting better with her anger. I got her to laugh once...a real laugh, not the crazy kind. I need to keep working with her. I have to do my best to help her.

I step into the lobby, being greeted by Anna. I quickly go down to Rika's room. I open the door and step inside. Rika is sitting in the same position as I left her yesterday.

"Good Morning Dr. Grey!" She says chirpily. I walk over to a chair that is in front of hers. I sit and look at her.

"You seem to be in a good mood today." I say, choosing my words carefully.

"I am, thank you for noticing. I heard from the lady who brings me food that I have been scheduled a day to get out of my straight-jacket."

"That's correct. I've scheduled that for tomorrow. I'm also bringing you paper so you can draw for me" I reply. She smiles brightly when I say draw. "Good, huh?" The smile slowly fades to an emotionless look.

"W-what day is it?" She says flatly.

"It's the first, Rika." I say.

"N-NO!!! IT CAN'T BE! IT'S TOO SOON!" Tears form in her eyes.

"Rika, you know that this has to happen." I smile trying to calm her down.

"I DON'T WANT TO GO! I REFUSE TO GO!!" The tears run down her eyes. I stand and move closer. I crouch in front of her as she continues to cry.

"Listen to me Rika. It's going to be fine, It always is." I say slowly and calmly.

"No. No it's not." She shakes her head as tears streak her face.

"Don't think about it. Think of tomorrow. You get to be free for a little while. you get to draw." I say. She seems to calm down a bit. I carefully wipe a tear from her cheek with my thumb. This is the first time I have ever touched her. She smiles slightly. I smile back reassuringly. I stand and walk to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Rika Mae." I say as I walk out of her room.


The following day comes quickly. I find myself standing at Rika's door, holding a note pad and box of crayons. I know that they are childish, but they don't allow anything that could be used as a weapon in that room. I open the door. Rika is sitting in her chair, but this time her arms are free. I walk inside. She hears me and quickly turns around.

"Dr Grey! Good Morning!" She says happily.

"Good Morning" I say back with a smile.

"Look!" She stands and faces me. She holds her arms out for me to see. I walk into the room, closing the door. I can't help but to notice the scars covering her right wrist. I look at her and smile.

"How do it feel to be able to move around?" I say.

"Amazing!" She says with a huge smile. I don't think I have ever seen her this happy before.

"Here" I hand her the notepad and the crayons. She takes them happily. She quickly drops to the floor. She lays on her stomach with the notepad in front of her. She opens the box of 8 crayons. I sit down as she pulls out the color purple. She grips it in her left hand and begins to draw.

"I'm going to draw a giraffe" She says.

"I didn't know giraffes are purple" I say jokingly.

"Well this one is. Maybe he would be normal colored If I had more than 8 colors." She says as she draws. I sit, watching her draw.


She finishes drawing after about 20 minutes. She tears off the paper from the notepad and hands it to me.

"I want you to have it, ok?" She says as she stands up.

"Thank you, Rika. i'll hang it on my fridge, that way I can see it all the time." I say. She smiles when I say that. "Because today went well, I am going to schedule for this weekend for you to go without the jacket."

"A whole weekend?!" She says happily and surprised.

"A whole weekend. And I am going to leave the notepad and crayons with you so you can draw. ok?"

"That sounds amazing!!!! I can't wait!!!"

I stand, picking up the crayons and the notepad. I walk over to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Rika."

"Goodbye, Dr. Grey!"

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