Chapter 1

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I sigh, sitting up in my bed. The ringing of the alarm clock echoing in my ears. I reach over, fumbling to switch off the horrible noises. The buzzing stops, leaving an empty silence in my room. I stand, stretching my arms. I walk into the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom. I flick on the light; it blinds me for a moment. When my vision returns, I am starring at myself in the mirror. I run my fingers through my shaggy brown hair. I flex my arms.

"Wow! Working out is starting to pay off!" I say. I started to go to the gym four weeks ago and only now seeing a difference. I smile at my fit arms and stomach. It makes me happy to see myself in my prime age. 24. I am young, but not immature. I have a nice body and a large house. Don't forget my perfect job....not everyone would think it is perfect... but I do.

I work at the Shibuya Insane Asylum. Most people are disgusted that I love my job. I am a Psychiatrist, I work with the patients there. I'm not quite sure why I like it so much. I've worked there for 3 years now. I've seen a lot of people come and go. Some even have to go to therapy when they quit. Not me. Never me.

I change into fresh clothes. I have to wet down my hair a bit so it doesn't stick out so much. that's what I get for taking a shower at night then sleeping with my hair wet. I sigh as I leave my room and go down the stairs. I walk down the stairs, skipping the second to last step. I always do. I have too. I guess it's my OCD acting up. I had therapy all through high school to rid myself of it. It is mostly gone...except that one step in my house. It mocks me. Making me think I'm not strong enough to get over this illness. I go to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I add creamer and sit at the table. I read the paper as I sip on my coffee.

I grab my bag before walking out of the door. I make sure to lock the door. I get into my car and start the engine. I take a moment to make sure I remembered everything I need. I take a deep breath and make my commute to work.

I am greeted at the front doors by the desk lady Sharon.

"Good Morning, Dr. Grey!" She says chirpily.

"Anna, I told you to call me by my first name. I've known you for 3 years."I reply.

"As you wish Victor." She says.

"That's better. Dr. Grey is what the patients know me as. Not friends." I say smiling at her.

"Friends? I'm truly flattered, Victor." She says happily. "Now time to get to business." I know what is going on by her sudden change in seriousness. "your current patient,Damian, has been transferred to a different hospital. This means you have a new patient."

"That's no problem." I say. This happens all the time, it's nothing new to me.

"Here is the info on your new regular." She hands me a large orange envelope. I take it with a smile and proceed to open it. I slide out a thick packet of paper. On the front is a picture paper-clipped to the packet. A girl about the age 17 is on the picture. Her head covered in messy red hair. The look on her face makes me uneasy. Pure insanity. I slide the papers back in the envelope.

"She is going to be a bit of a problem. She is very stubborn." Anna says to me.

"I'm not one to run from a challenge. You know that."

"That's why I chose you for her. You are one of the best we have Victor." She says. I smile at the compliment.

"When do I start?" I ask, filled with my new found confidence.

A new story?!?! You're probably confused. Lemme explain. I had this idea for a new story. It isn't based on anything like my other stories which means...I have complete creative control on it! I think you will like it :) Lemme know if you do, that way I will update more. I am still going to continue with The Tales of Sachiko Shibuya, Don't worry.

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