02 • School Days

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°.• chapter two — "Oh."
"The Fosters"

The next morning apparently couldn't come soon enough as Juliette awoke to her alarm blaring in her ear, the girl pulling back the wall of her canopy to shut the buzzing off.

Juliette laid there for a few seconds, the girl staring up at her roof with squinted eyes as she contemplated falling back asleep.

Juliette wasn't much of a morning person if it wasn't obvious.

Don't get her wrong, Juliette did like mornings, she liked how quiet everything was and she loved sunrises, and once she was awake she was very chipper.

But the process of waking up was what she found annoying. Going from restful sleep to a loud alarm in your ear could make anyone annoyed, and Juliette was no exception.

The girl had just sat up, the blanket pulled up over her chest when a knock on her bedroom door rung through the room, Mariana poking her head into the door to see her half asleep sister.

"Morning." The girl greeted as she pushed the door open further, her coming to lean on the end of the bed.

"What's up?" Juliette asked her slightly older sister.

Juliette and the twins were only a few months apart in age, Jesus and Mariana being born in the May while Juliette was born in the September.

"Well, mama is never gonna let me leave the house like this-" the brunette began to explain as she motioned to her spaghetti strapped shirt. "So I was wondering if I could borrow that white white you have?"

"The knit one?" Juliette asked as she pulled the blanket back, her receiving a nod as she motioned to her wardrobe. "Have at it."

With that she left Mariana in her room as she crossed the hall to the bathroom, her almost running into Jesus as he tripped down the stairs.

"Be careful!" She called out before shutting the door behind her.

It didn't take long for Juliette to be considered decent enough to head down stairs, the girls hair braided behind her back with a green ribbon at the end that matched sun dress that fell just below her knees.

She bounded down the stairs with her bags in tow, the girl leaving them by the front door before stepping into the kitchen to the smell of eggs and bacon.

As she passed Brandon she tapped him on the shoulder, the boy turning to look and it gave Juliette the opportunity to steal a piece of bacon off his plate, Brandon turning back to see it missing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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