01 • A New Family Member

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°.• chapter one — "Where did
you come from?"
"The Fosters"

Juliette's social worker once said that she was a lost cause.

In her words, "She won't be here long, this girl won't not age out of the system at this rate."

That's what Linda said when she handed ten year old Juliette Alonzo over to Stef and Lena, this being her fifth foster house in the last year.

And Juliette was more than willing to prove Linda right.

She was willing to age out of the system all alone, potentially addicted to drugs, with no plans for her future. Because that's what her world kept telling her, that that was all she could amount to.

So when Lena tucked the girl into bed on that first night, the woman leaving a small kiss on the girls head, Juliette didn't think any different.

Nor on the fifth night, or the fourteenth, or the thirty-seventh.

It was only on night one hundred and seventy-six, 5 months, three weeks and two days, when Lena tucked her into bed and placed a kiss on her cheek, and wished the girl a happy birthday, did Juliette start to think different.

• • •

Juliette's day had been long and hectic, but at least it wasn't tiring.

It was one of those days that went on forever, but it didn't leave you exhausted by the end of it. If anything, it left you with more energy.

Firstly, she woke up late that day. Usually Juliette sound mind that, as she loved any chance she got to sleep in. But it did make her almost later for class, the girl sitting down just as the last bell rung out.

Secondly, she had to run and catch the bus after school halfway across town to her dance studio because her mother couldn't take her or pick her up. Something about a last minute thing cropping up that she couldn't ignore.

And thirdly, to top it all off, her dance class had run late because it started late. The Senior Ballet class had started late, and because of the favouritism being played, they got to run into Juliette's Junior Modern Dance class time.

It was something that happened often enough that she wasn't surprised, but it still didn't mean that Juliette liked it.

But even though all of that went wrong, it was still a nice day for Juliette.

Traffic on the way to school was surprisingly non-existent, which meant Juliette did have enough time to get there. The bus driver after school saw her running and decided to wait for her instead of just drive off, which meant she got to dance on time.

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