Chapter 1

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(A/N: I don't own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro & Yusuke Nomura for this great manga. Belated Happy New Year's everyone).

His eyes drifted over to the screen of the television hanging above of the ceiling inside the diner. The loud cheers of the customers inside the establishment rang out as their full attention was caught on the match that's been happening right now in the field of soccer.

A rueful smile inched across his lips as his eyes went back to the meal that he was eating. He wore a serene yet downcast expression on his face as the onslaught of unpleasant memories washed over his head.

It was the familiar feeling of aching loss and grief that surrounded his entire being. However, this time the pang was sharper and the shrapnel of failure hit right through his heart that the overwhelming sensation of wretchedness threatened to drown him in the abyss of debilitating misery and agony.

Isagi didn't want to dwell on it but it's hard to curb down on bad habits such as ruminating on the past and what he could've done better to prevent an outcome such as this.

He felt like he didn't know better or he didn't grow from his past mistakes. This was the same such as when he hesitated... to...

...and then it was too late.

If only he could've trusted his tactics more.

If only he could've trusted his gut instinct that time.

If only he could—

"Hello Isagi. I hope I didn't make you wait for too long."

An all too familiar voice drawled out idly which made his derailing thoughts scampered out of his mind and brought him back to the present.

He looked up to see Reo Mikage in casual clothes that still costs more than his life probably and looking down at him with that familiar bored, condescending expression on his face which made his hackles rose and reminded him of how he met him for the first time in Blue Lock out in the cafeteria with the sleeping Nagi cradled on his back.

"Not at all. I've been here for a just a few minutes." Isagi answered coolly as Reo sat down on the opposite side of him. He wanted to believe that he had more control over his emotions now compared to in the past and this simple action from Reo wouldn't make him incense even if that familiar feeling of annoyance was slowly crawling back up to him.

Deep blue eyes clashing against those mauve irises.

Isagi didn't have the time to admire on how deep and mesmerizing his eyes were. Nor how he always looked cool and refined outside of playing soccer. The only time that he witnessed a genuine despair on his face was when Nagi left him during the second selection to team up with him and how Nagi uttered those hurtful words to him that cut right through his core.

He didn't need to add any other unnecessary distraction such as this.

He needed to get to the heart of the matter.

And he wanted to know why he was here in the first place anyway.

"Why did you call me? What's the purpose of this meeting?" Isagi asked bluntly.

"Still blunt as ever Isagi." Reo answered with a casual smile on his face. "Very well then. I hate wasting time too y'know."

Isagi could scoffed lightly in response.

Did he have to be like that? As if Reo was the only one who—

"Marry me Isagi." Reo's calm and collected voice snapped out Isagi's any wandering thoughts and he faced him harshly.

The impact was much like an incoming ball landed unexpectedly on an enemy's territory in the field.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He bit out, demanding answers from him.

Reo remained unperturbed and unruffled by his outburst which made Isagi more irritated with him.

"It's just like what I said Isagi. Marry me. Or do you have any other options in mind? For sure, your analytical mind can catch up with me, right? Or do I need to spell it out for you?" Reo replied with an arched brow but his mauve orbs held a glint of amusement at the other's expressions, taking in delight of the multitude of expressions that flitted across the male's face in just a few seconds.

"Marry me Isagi." Reo's calm and collected voice snapped out Isagi's any wandering thoughts and he faced him harshly.

The impact was much like a ball unexpectedly landed on an enemy's territory out in the field.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He bit out, demanding answers from him.

Reo remained unperturbed and unruffled by his outburst which made Isagi more irritated with him.

"It's just like what I said Isagi. Marry me. Or do you have any other options in mind? For sure, your analytical mind can catch up with me, right? Or do I need to spell it out for you?" Reo replied with an arched brow but his mauve orbs held a glint of amusement at the other's expressions, taking in delight of the multitude of expressions that flitted across the male's face in just a few seconds.

Isagi looked at him incredulously. He knew that Reo possessed a business-oriented mindset because of the family and surroundings he grew up with, but he didn't know that he can be also transactional and cold towards marriage.

Isagi wasn't one of those people who pay attention much to relationships, wedding, marriage and all that jazz as his goal and dream was to become the best striker in Japan. But even he knew that marriage was not something you can just offer on the table so casually because it's a lifetime commitment.

"But what about your parents? Or the one who you really wanna marry in the future? Does it even matter to you?" He blurted out.

It made Reo chuckled lightly out of amusement and Isagi looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"There's this thing called divorce Isagi. And of course, there will be a contract that will be given to you for review under this arrangement. You think I would offer this to you without any benefits in my end?" Reo asked back with a hint of mockery or something else that Isagi couldn't decipher.

Isagi was half tempted to punch the living daylights out of him but he remained rooted in his seat and glowered at him.

No matter how much Isagi tried to think about it, his mind was racing at a dead end of the other's motive on this one.

Perhaps it was the grief that was still clouding his judgment or deductive reasoning now but the only thing that he can come up with was...

"Is this still about Nagi and—."

"Whoa. Stop right there Isagi. You're getting too ahead of yourself. Stop being complacent about certain things. This has nothing to do with whatever ruckus that happened between Nagi and I inside the Blue Lock before. Just simply think of this as a business transaction of some sort. Regardless, what your answer might be, I won't be losing anything as I can still go on with my lucrative career in soccer and other things in life." Reo intercepted with that infuriating smile of his that boarded almost on a taunting smirk.

Isagi wanted to grab him by the collar and wiped off that irritating haughty look on his face.

"Then tell me then what's this offer of yours because I've been dying to know more about it." Isagi retorted with his usual scathing voice when he was getting provoke.

Reo gazed at him like the cat that got the cream. "Very well then. I'm glad to do so if you wish."

Isagi could sense a foreboding in this proposal that he was offering but did he had any other options left when he was catapulted into this kind of situation after all?

(A/N: Reosagi brainrot. I've kept up with the anime and the manga and all I can say is everyone's feral and it's like a soccer soap opera and I'm living for it. I know that most of the fandom is onboard with the Bachisagi and Reonagi ship but I couldn't help myself. I love enemies to lover's trope with a dash of angst and Reo x Isagi pairing can fit on the bill aside from the Kaisagi ship that I've been eyeing on. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).

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