8. My Life Is Officially A Mess

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Turns out that the man Cassey was grumbling about was Daniel's best friend

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Turns out that the man Cassey was grumbling about was Daniel's best friend. He was a tall and lean man, about Daniel's age, but his vibes were entirely the opposite. He had black eyes and matching hair, a sharp nose and a serious demeanor. I wondered how he ended up being friends with someone like Daniel.

Cassey grumbled from across me, "Alex, I swear I see you everywhere these days. Can you just quit stalking me already?"

She was a bit tipsy, having sobered up a lot with the water I gave her, but even I knew she was saying this out of spite. My best friend too, could be so damn dramatic at times.

"Keep dreaming, Hart," Alex remarked, but still sat beside her.

My number one problem approached me with a slight smile on his face. It wasn't a full one that showed his dimples, but it still irked me nonetheless. How did this man show up everywhere I went?

"So... Cassey's infamous anonymous best friend was you?" He asked me, and I assumed Cassey had already told him about me.

My best friend was still trying to join the dots, so I filled her in begrudgingly, "He's my roommate, Cass."

The way her eyebrows flew over her head was kinda comical, and it drew a chuckle out of me. Cassey was known for overreacting to things, but I won't hold her guilty of it this time. It was genuinely a surprise for me too, that they both already knew each other. It could be possible, since they were in the medical field and of the same age.

Still, I hadn't ever imagined it and it shocked me.

"He's your roommate?! Oh... wow," she said as realization dawned on her.

"Looks like you guys have talked about me a lot, huh?" Daniel said from beside me, smirking as he thought he'd done such a great job.

"Uh huh, we did," Cassey said, her face turning kinda serious. I wondered why. "Danny boy, just what did you do that she had to visit me as a therapist?"

As soon as I heard her say that, I choked on my whiskey. How could she expose me like that? Whatever the hell happened to securing clients' personal information?

"Cassey!" I exclaimed, feeling my face go red from embarrassment. Even though Daniel had given me a hard time, and still was, I didn't want him to know what I thought about him. On that note, now that Cassey and Daniel turned out to be friends, what if Cassey told Daniel everything I'd said about him?

God no, I wouldn't survive that.

But Daniel didn't seem to be suffering like me. On the other hand, he looked like he'd won a lottery. "Oh, so you had a therapist you could vent your frustrations to?" He teased me in a sing song voice, and it made me grind my teeth.

Glaring at him, I said, "You should be sorry that I had to go see a therapist because of you!"

"But I'm disappointed, dear. Even I wanted a personal friend who could listen to me vent about you, why didn't you think about me?"

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