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        We were making our way to the back of the bus when I heard Will's friend, Zach say "Yo, Will, hey, how you doing? Hey Layla, Evangeline", we mumble a few quick heys

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We were making our way to the back of the bus when I heard Will's friend, Zach say "Yo, Will, hey, how you doing? Hey Layla, Evangeline", we mumble a few quick heys. As Will sat down, they started talking about something so I grabbed the seat across from them and Layla sat down next to me. As Layla sat down, I ask "How you feeling, i mean it's your first day of high school." Layla replies saying "Nervous, excited, all the emotions.". I quickly say "Hey don't be nervous, and you always got me if you need anything at all". She smiles and says "I know thanks" I give her a small hug and say "No problem and let me know if Will over here is ever giving you trouble". We laugh and she says she'd let me know.

The bus holts to a stop and we jolt forward, as we hear Ron yell "Sorry!", Ron seems to mutter something to him self. As he quickly shuts the door close, switches hats, and rips off the cover to patch of his arm 'Sky High School Bus Driver' it reads with the school symbol, by the time I heard 'That's everyone' I knew we would be soaring in a minuet.

For a second I forgot that this bus was full of freshman but as i remembered I quickly braced myself, mostly my ears for screaming. Ron turns around and says "Next stop, Sky High!" Everyone was a little confused by his behavior not know the we would be in a flying bus in the next couple minuets, while everyone was slightly confused I was getting more and more excited.

Now everyone is super confused when we start driving on unfinish road, for me though this road was all too familiar. "Where are we?" Layla says as the seat belts come down and a handle bar come out in front of us. "Eva?" she asks me but I just smile back at her to not ruin the 'magic'. "Hang on, back there. We're going off-road." as Ron says his signature cache-phrase. As Ron says something I barely catch what he says when he is cut off by everyone screaming but I'm the only one cheering.

I hear Ron scoff and say "Freshman". As we slow down Ron starts explaining stuff about the school but I zone him out because I've heard this speech so many times, I start getting more excited to see my two best friends in the whole world. I hear Ron say "Smooth and steady" although the landing was bumpy and not at all what he said I hear him again say, "Sorry!" and we come to a stop everyone start pilling out of the bus. As Will gets out of the bus i hear Ron say something then hand Will a business card like he did to me on my first day.

As i see the building I think of all the memories i have there, a lot good a lot bad. We see two girls flying to school, some guy uses his laser eyes to hit a girl and she turns around and freezes him and his friend. I see one of my best friends Penny Lent, a sassy and sometime rude girl who I've known since 8th grade and we conveniently happened to go to sky high together. I wave at her and she waves back, then I was about to walk over to her but i saw speed start speeding around us and got annoyed, speed and lash were one of the only things i didn't like about sky high.

Lash stretches down the stair he says "I'm Lash, this is Speed and as representatives of the Sky High welcoming committee..." lash stops and speed continues "We'd be happy to collect that $15 new student fee." as lash stretches his hand out to the boy in orange from the bus i walk out of the crowd with an eyebrow raised "I haven't heard of this rule maybe we can go talk to principle powers about it" I say and they both look slightly scared "Just joking of course" Speed says and I nod my head saying "That's what i thought." They walk away annoyed and i feel proud of myself that it actually worked.

I walk in front of the group and say "Guys there is no entrance fee, I try not to talk to Lash and Speed and i'd advise you to do the same." I see a wave of relief fall over everyone. Then I see Gwen Grayson, a kind-hearted and smart girl who loved to where the color pink, now me personally could not stand to wear pink everyday, but she was my best friend so i supported her.

She introduces her self by saying "Hi everyone, Gwen Grayson, Your student body president." and I introduce my self by saying "If you somehow didn't hear Ron I'm Evangeline Stronghold, your vice president." I say seeing the crowd laugh then, Gwen continues "I know you're all going to love it here at sky high, I know I have, I've just had the greatest experience, I've made great friends. But there are a few rules I want you guys to know."

I see my brother staring at my best friend and just the though of them made me a little sick. I toned Gwen out a little as I had hear this speech four times. But when I heard Gwen say "if you can just remember those few simple rules then, I promise you will not fall off the edge of the school" I know the speech is over, and the crowd laughs again. "Now, just follow us inside for orientation." I say as I start walking up the steps of the school.

As we walk them to the gym I start talking to Gwen. "I swear the only reason I like doing this is to get out of mad science class, I mean it's not like I don't like the class it's just it's so boring" Gwen agrees as we make it to the gym. We turn around and I say "Here we are, the lunch room is right down the hall and coach boomer will tell you when it's lunch." Gwen nods along to what i was saying, we smile and make our way back to mad science class.


okay second chapter down also if you realize I changed Evangeline's power It doesn't matter a lot i just wanted her to have a different one, but it might come in handy later idk.

Words: 1127

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love ya, A

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