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       I got on the bus and I sat by Layla and she told me all about her day and one thing that stuck out was that her and Will were going to the paper lantern later

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I got on the bus and I sat by Layla and she told me all about her day and one thing that stuck out was that her and Will were going to the paper lantern later. "but enough about me, how was your day?" she asked, "It was good and save the citizen was really entertaining, way better than math" I say, but i decided to leave out me and Warrens conversation knowing she would never up about it if i did. We made it to our stop, jolting forward, like always. Me, Layla, and Will got up and grabbed our stuff, walking on the bus.

Layla speed up a little walking with Will and I just stayed behind looking around. I say that some trees leave's were turning orange and there were a couple on the ground that i would crunch under my feet, I never really stopped and looked around our neighborhood, but it was beautiful. We made it home and said bye to Layla and walked in our house. Will running off into the other room to tell dad about his 'amazing day'. I just kicked off my shoes, putting them in the closet and walk up to my room.

I had been home for a while, maybe about on hour. I was doing homework and I went to ask Will something, hoping he was listening in class. I walked into his room, see him and Gwen on his bed working on some work for another class. "Hey Will-" I looked at him then seeing Gwen "-oh hi Gwen, I didn't know you were coming over". She looked at me and smiled lightly, then saying "oh yeah, I'm helping Will with an assignment". I was a little surprised but, I kept it together "oh okay, I'll leave you to it then." I said leaving the room.

A little while later, It was about dinner time and I was laying on my bed looking at a magazine. I got bored so I went down stairs and remembered that Will was supposed to meet Layla at five, at the paper lantern. It was 5:28 and Will was still here. I felt bad for Layla, Will had been blowing her and their friends off since he joined the hero classes and started hanging out with my friends.

"Hey mom" I say walking into the kitchen, "Yeah?" she replied. "Do you mind if i go hang out with Layla for a little?" I ask, hoping she says yes. "Yeah, just be home by 8, you have school tomorrow" she answered and I ran to get my shoes on "Thanks" I yelled "Mmhm" She said going back to making dinner. I finished tying my left shoe and grabbed my coat running out the door.

When I made it to the paper lantern Is saw Layla sitting at a table alone. "Can I help you?" A polite voice said to me, I turned to her and said "My friends over there." Pointing at Layla, she said "okay" and went back to work. I walked over waiting for the waitress to walk away then, I said "hey" softly, she looked up at me and said "hi".

I could tell she was upset about Will, and I saw the flower in the vase on the table, knowing it was Layla's doing. I said "Can I sit?". "Yes. yeah, yeah" she said looking back down. "sorry about my idiot brother" I continued, sitting down. she looked back up and with a sad smile she said "It's okay" then she put on a fake smile while saying "I mean he is making new friends. I'm happy for him. I looked at her, "That's not an excuse to blow off his friend everyday".

Suddenly another waiter came up to us "Still working on that?" he said gesturing to her food. When i heard his voice I realized it was Warren, me and Layla both said "Hey" at the same time making all of us chuckle a little. "Hey" Warren said back looking at both of us, then Layla said awkwardly "We go to school together." I tried not to laugh as Warren said "Evangeline and You're Stronghold's friend" He glanced toward Layla when saying the last part. I smiled up at him, him returning it with a similar smile.

"Yeah" Layla says answering his statement, rolling her eyes. Warren looks off to the side slightly saying "Yeah" back, then continuing "Want me to heat that up for you?" pointing to Layla's food. She looked around and then, leaned in toward Warren saying, "You're not supposed to use your powers outside of school." He leaned in too saying "I was just going to stick it in the microwave" Layla giggled embarrassed and i couldn't help but laugh at this, though Warren was looking at me while I laughed with a look I couldn't distinguish. "I was supposed to meet Will here, but.." Layla said stuttering to come up with the rest of the sentence till, I cut her off by saying "Do you wanna sit with us?"

He looked around to see if another waitress would see then said, "I think I can spare a minute" sitting next to me. He then lit a candle with his finger, making me smile and Layla chuckled. Layla started tell the story on how Will and eventually I found out she'd got her powers. When Layla had finished her story Warren asked "And falling for him, was that before or after the lima beans?"

Layla's smile melted in to a confused one "What? I am not in love with Will Strong..." she started but gave up "is it that obvious?" she asked. "Yeah" Warren said "Oh it is" i said kind of loud, "sorry" i mumbled as it was a little inconsiderate. They both looked at me for a second, then Warren just agreed with me. "Great." was all Layla could say, "So why don't you tell him?" Warren asked. Layla then started her mini rant with "Well, I was going to ask him to homecoming, but there's two problems. He likes somebody else and she's perfect."

I looked at her with an apologetic face and trying to make her feel better I said "Oh, Gwen is not perfect." She just looked at me with a straight face and said "sure" blankly. "Know what I think?" Warren said, she had a slightly concerned look on her face, raising her eyebrows for him to continue. "To let true love remain unspoken, is the quickest route to a heavy heart." I looked at Warren, since he had never said something like that, but he was already looking at me. "Wow. That is really deep" Layla said, interrupting the weird moment going on between me and Warren.

"Yeah. And your lucky numbers are.." I didn't even realize he was holding a fortune from a fortune cookie, but it made sense. "Four, sixteen, five, and forty-nine." Layla had a smile on he face again which was nice to see and a nice contrast from her frown before. Then a woman from the kitchen start shouting at Warren in Cantonese and he quickly replied back in the same language, then said to me and Layla "I gotta go."

He handed Layla her fortune and said "See you around hippie" he then said turning back to me "See you, E". as he was getting up his hand grazed my soft one, as this happened i saw Warren look at me and i saw in his face that he didn't mind the contact. though it was only for a second it felt nice, his hand touching mine. "See you" i said then he left "what was that?" Layla asked "I don't know" i say, whatever it was i seemed to like it.

Layla payed for her food and we left at about 6 and there was a beautiful sunset. Me and Layla were walking home talking about random things mostly school and homecoming. We made it to our houses and I turned and hugged Layla and said "Sorry again about my brother" she had a light smile and said "It's okay and as long as Will's happy, I'm happy, I mean that's best friends are for" I smiled back at her and said "Bye." "have a good night bye." she replied before walking next door, to her house.

I walked inside and saw my mom In the kitchen and my dad in the living room. "I'm home" I say, my mom then says "Hi honey", my dad saying the same "Hey honey". I walk up stairs and put my stuff down, grabbing some pj's to wear and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

That night, I was laying in my bed trying to go to sleep but Warren was the only thing I could think about. Why'd I like the way my hands touch his warm ones and when he gets hurt why do i feel the need to help him, rather than helping my brother. The ore i thought about it the more I realized that being his lab partner might be a better than i thought. I tried to get Warren out of my mind so i could sleep. But, I help but fall asleep with Warren Peace still consuming my mind.


Nothing to say honestly, make sure to drink water and Have an amazing day or night

Words: 1600

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Love Ya, A

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