> Enter : Aquarius (Water Planet)

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The three round creatures travelled on a glowing yellow star, slowly getting farther from the peaceful planet known as Floria. "Hey, is that another planet you guys need to go to?" Asked Zella, pointing at a planet with her foot. The planet was mostly made up of water. Kirby flew closer to the planet. "Woah, I'm losing control!" The warp star was traveling too fast for Kirby to control. He thought he saw a small  island, but before he could steer the star in that direction, it crashed into the water and shattered. They all fell down to the sandy floor below. "I can't swim!" A muffled yell coming from Marx, who regretted letting air out. Small bubbles floated up to the surface of the water as the three struggled for air. Then, Kirby spotted something.

"Mmm!" He made a noise, his mouth still closed. It alerted the others. He then pointed to a star door not too far away. Kirby swam and the others hopped along the ocean floor, leaving trails of sand behind them. They all entered the star door, but were just met by water again. Kirby spotted a small, grassy island and quickly dragged his friends onto it and gasped for air. "I... I nearly passed out..." Marx said, still catching his breath. "Are you..." Zella panted. "Are you ok?" She wasn't feeling good either, but she needed to know if Marx was ok. Kirby coughed a little, but he was fine after a few moments. Marx was still coughing as Kirby walked over to him and Zella. "Are you alright?" He asked out of concern. "Y- yeah. Thanks."

They were surrounded by water on all sides, but with some carefully timed jumps, they could make it to the other small islands around them. They got to the last island, which was much bigger than the others, but then...

"Um, am I the only who sees something behind that tree?" Asked Zella, backing up. Kirby and Marx looked over at a palm tree and saw a round figure behind it. "Eep!" It let out a cry. "It's alive!" Exclaimed Marx. "Oh no... I don't want to hurt anyone, I promise! I'm so sorry for interrupting you... please don't hurt me..." the creature said. Marx and Zella stared in shock at what they saw behind the tree. It was another person that looked like Marx! This one was a pale green with dark blue shoes. The left side of the hat was orange with triangles, and the right side was teal with circles. He had a worried expression on his face, his eyes closed tightly. The more Marx looked at him, the more he discovered something: this was practically his opposite. Opposite colors, opposite personality, opposite markings.

The pale green creature slowly began to open his eyes before jumping back in shock. "Don't worry, we, uh, don't wanna hurt you..." Zella tried to calm the stranger down. "S- sorry. It's just that I've never seen anyone else that looks like... me." He said, embarrassed. Marx chuckled a little. "I didn't know there was anyone like me either. But then I met Zella, and now, uh... you!" He responded. Zella smiled. "Thaaaat's me!" She said. "And this is Marx and Kirby. And you are...?"

"Oh! I'm Prymm..." the shy individual stated. "Hi, Prymm!"said Kirby. "We're looking for the star of this planet so we can get enough power to wish on the galactic Nova and get the sun and moon to stop fighting. The thing is, we don't really know how to get there. And we're not the best at swimming..." Kirby was mostly referring to his friends, since he could swim pretty well, but he didn't want to be rude. "Do you think you could help us?"

"Sure, I guess... here, let's go into this door. It'll take you to water, but there are plenty of air pockets nearby so you can stop and float for a second, to catch your breath. I'll show you where to go from there... I guess..." Prymm led the others into the star door ahead of them. They floated in the deep blue water, following Prymm's lead and avoiding any enemies that came by. The water had many small yellow stars floating around in it. When they got to one of the air pockets, they noticed a lot of enemies guarding the next one.

"Hey Kirby! Copy essences, remember? Use one now!" Zella exclaimed. "Good idea!" Kirby responded. He decided to use the parasol ability, which he had unlocked before. "Now look, I can put it in front of me and use it like a shield for everyone!" Kirby said happily. "Wow, that was pretty smart..." said Prymm. They made it out of that area after going through another star door. They found themselves in front of a large, light blue palace. The palace itself seemed to be inside of one huge air bubble. It had many star markings engraved into it. There were two stained glass windows, each have a bright, colorful swirling pattern with stars in it as well. Between the windows was a big star door.

"This is the water palace," said Prymm. Everyone was staring at it. "It's so pretty..." said Zella. "Can we go in?" Asked Kirby. "Sure, I guess," Prymm replied. The group entered the palace. Inside were big, blue winding pillars. The floor was tiled in blue and purple with waterfalls pouring beneath them. Many enemies guarded the inside of the castle, so they had to work together. They made it through eventually and after defeating the final enemy, unlocked the sword ability. The castle was now vacant, so they left, their footsteps echoing in the now-empty palace.

"Hey guys, come over here!" Said Kirby. He had made it to the edge of the air pocket that the castle was in and saw a star door in the water below. It was very close by and easy to swim to, so they had no trouble getting through. On the other side of the door were teal walls with enemies above and below. There was an air pocket above the door, so they grouped up there.

"How are we going to get past? There's no air pockets as far as I can tell," said Marx. "This place is like a maze!"

"Don't worry... I know how... just follow me. If we're quick enough, we can make it to the next star door without a problem," said Prymm. "Wow, you really are a lifesaver, Prymm!" Zella thanked him. "O-oh! Thank you.. very much.." he replied awkwardly. Prymm dived down and the others followed. After going through a few star doors, they made it to an air pocket. The floor was purple and there were many beautiful white crystals surrounding them. They entered the last star door. "I think this is it, guys," said Prymm nervously.

"I- I think I'll stay here," he said. "Im not the best at.. combat." Zella frowned. "C'mon Prymm! We're gonna need your help in there. We've made it this far, there's nothing to be afraid of!" She said. "Thanks.. that makes me feel better. You know what? I'll do it. I'll go in there and help you fight Fatty Whale."

Marx began to laugh. "Is that really it's name? Fatty Whale? Haha!"

"I guess it is pretty funny," Zella laughed along with Marx. "Are we ready to go?" Asked Kirby. They all nodded before entering the last star door.

They walked out of the shadowed door into a room with a dim red aura. "Ah!" Prymm yelled out. "What happened?" Kirby asked, concerned. "Th-the door..." Prymm quietly replied. The others looked back and saw that the star door had disappeared. Marx sighed. "I guess we have no choice but to fight this... whale," he said. Sharp drill-like stalactites jutted from the ceiling, and the platform they were on had water on either side. They heard a splash in the water and turned their heads to see a big red whale with a smoke pipe in its mouth. "Fatty Whale!" Prymm exclaimed.

Fatty Whale dove back into the water and made a massive splash that came down on the group. The water poured down on them, hurting them a bit. Rocks fell from the ceiling, one hitting Prymm on the head. "Oww!" He winced. "Are you ok?" Kirby rushed over to help his friend. "Y-yeah... I think I'm fine..." Prymm replied. Kirby looked back and saw Zella and Marx were having a hard time beating Fatty Whale. The big whale jumped in and out of the water, and the two would have to time their jumps and ducks perfectly if they wanted to avoid it. "You stay here," said Kirby. "Thanks.." said Prymm, happy that he could take a moment to collect himself. The whale was ultimately defeated after a bit of combat.

"You guys are so strong..." said Prymm. "Thanks! Hey, you wanna help us on our journey? The more the merrier! You seem to be a good puzzle solver," said Kirby. "R-really? Thanks..." Prymm said. "Hmm... I guess I could always use something exciting. I've been here my whole life, but I'm too shy to even talk to anyone... I want to stick with you guys. I'll come along!"

"Great! Now we're a team of four!" Zella said happily. Marx thought the same thing, but sarcastically. He's a dead weight. At least Zella can actually fight. All he's gonna do is slow us down. These negative thoughts made Marx upset. "Let's go," he said suddenly, crawling onto the warp star Kirby prepared for them. "Alright... Prymm, you ready?" Asked Kirby. Prymm nodded hesitantly. They all got on the star and blasted off into space.

Milky Way Troubles // Kirby AU (Milky Way Wishes AU)Where stories live. Discover now