> Enter : Skyhigh (Wind Planet)

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"That planet looks soft and fluffy... can we go there?" Prymm asked. "Sure!" Kirby replied. The planet before them was made up of soft, airy clouds that were mostly white, but came in all different colors. The warp star didn't break when Kirby and friends landed, but instead it got caught in one of the clouds. "It's just like how I remembered..." Zella murmured. "What?" Kirby questioned her. "Huh? Oh, nothing, sorry," she quickly responded.

"Wow, this place is so cool!" Exclaimed Prymm. "I know, right? The fluffy clouds make me feel like I'm walking on air.." Zella said. "Hey, I see a star door up there!" Kirby said, pointing at a star door that was floating a few feet above the ground. "Um... that's gonna be a problem," said Marx. "I think you're the only one here that can fly... right, Kirby?"

"Oh, you're right," Kirby thought of ways to get his friends up there. "C-can't you just carry us?" Asked Prymm. "Sorry, I can't. It's too high up for me to carry another person for that long." They sat in silence for a moment. Suddenly, a white head popped out of the star door, contrasting the shadowy inside. "I thought I heard something out here," it said. The being revealed itself by hopping out of the door and down to the ground to the others. Prymm stared at the stranger in shock. The person he was staring at was the stranger who came out of the door. She was another creature of Marx's species. She was pure white with light blue eyes, dark blue shoes, and small, pastel blue wings. Her hat was pastel yellow with white swirls on the left and pastel blue with white clouds on the right. Marx groaned. There's not gonna be a... version of me, for a lack of a better term, on every planet, is there?

Zella stared, but not in shock. She seemed happy. In fact, she was happier than he had ever seen her be. The new girl was also staring at Zella, with a mix of shock and happiness. The two ran over to each other and 'embraced'. "Skylar!" Zella exclaimed. "I was wondering when I would ever see you again!"

"Me too! I'm so glad I found you and.. uh, who are all these guys?" The girl supposedly named Skylar asked, referring to Kirby and the others. "I'm Kirby, and this is Marx and Prymm. And uh, you seem to already know Zella," Kirby responded with an awkward smile. Skylar moved her eyes from Marx to Prymm, examining them carefully for a moment. "We aren't the only ones..!" She said to Zella. Zella nodded and giggled.

"Oh yeah, Zella and I were besties before I moved to Skyhigh. We kinda lost touch after that, but I always hoped I would be able to see you again!" Said Skylar. "That's right. Now we just need Meggy..." said Zella. "Who?" Asked Prymm. "Oh, no one important," Zella lied. The others could tell something was going on, but they had a different problem at their hands right now.

"Hey, uh... Skylar, was it? Do you think you could fly us up to that star door?" Asked Marx, nodding towards the door Skylar came out of earlier. "Of course! I'm happy to help," She said. "C'mon Zella! Hop on my back," Skylar said. She then began flapping her wings. They demonstrated how the others would get up. "Alright, your turn Kirby!" She says.

"Oh! I can fly on my own, don't worry." Kirby giggled. "What? But I don't see any wings.." Skylar noted. "I don't have wings, but watch..." Kirby said before inhaling air and puffing up, practically inflating himself and flying into the air. "Wow! Thats the first time I've seen that before!" Skylar laughed. Kirby nodded to the others as he followed Zella through the star door and waited on the other side with her. Prymm came out next, then Marx, and finally Skylar.

The group looked around and took in all of the beauty of Skyhigh. They clouds looked like candy, especially the pastel ones. Small, pastel stars decorated the clouds on the surface. Pretty pink and white towers and pillars sprouted up from the clouds that made up the ground. "Cmon everyone! I'll show you how to get to the guardian of the star, Kracko!" Said Skylar suddenly. The gang followed her across the soft but somehow solid clouds. They dodged enemies left and right when Marx reminded Kirby to use a copy essence.

"Oh, thanks! Let's see... ice!" Kirby used the power of the copy essence to gain icy abilities. "Woah, cool!" Exclaimed Skylar and Prymm. They entered a star door. "Woah, this room has a lot of food!" Exclaimed Prymm. "This might sound weird, but where I'm from, we take food for ourselves and share it through a healing 'kiss' if others need the health too..." said Kirby, slightly regretting saying that. "Oh, we do that on Floria too. It's a pretty common method of healing." Said Zella. They each took a piece of food.

"Alright, is everyone healed up?" Kirby asked the group. "Um... actually, I need more..." Zella started quietly. Kirby tilted his head, waiting for her to finish. "I need more health." Ugh. Of course Marx was the one who ate the last piece of food, meaning it had the most healing power. And of course everyone turned to look at him. Skylar gave him a smirk. Marx blushed slightly as he rolled his eyes and kissed Zella. Of course, everything is strictly platonic! People can blush out of embarrassment! Skylar just giggled, but fell silent after Marx gave her a death stare before they continued on their journey.

"Hey Zella, you know you're blushing, right?" Kirby asked Zella playfully. "W-what? No... I guess I'm just embarrassed from the kiss, thats all," she hastily replied. Kirby smirked. "I thought this was normal on Floria? And don't worry, these  kisses are just for healing, there's no need to be embarrassed."

"Yeah! Platonic. Thanks, Kirby.." Zella had stopped blushing and was now smiling.

They all went through another star door and had ended up at a room with a yellow tiled floor. it had clouds painted on the wall and tiled stained glass windows."We're here!" Said Skylar. Suddenly, a giant eye flew in from above. The shape of a cloud began to form all around it, spikes as well. It was now a cloud with spikes around it like a ring and one big eye. "Yep... thats Kracko," Skylar sighed.

Kirby used his ice ability he had gotten previously to freeze the cloud. Skylar then flew up and used her wings to blow a gust of wind against the frozen Kracko and push him to the ground. Finally, the others would attack him. This process repeated until Kracko shot out one last lightning bolt before blowing up.

"W-we did it guys!" Prymm exclaimed. "Nice job, everyone!" Said Skylar.

The third star piece was collected, and the gang took a rest before moving on to the next world. Skyhigh was very peaceful, and they don't want to risk danger on the next planet before taking some time for themselves. Everyone was sitting down against a cloud. They were all talking with each other, except for one. No, it wasn't Prymm. He had grown closer to his new friends and feels more confident talking to them now. It was Marx. He felt the exact opposite: the closer he felt to any of his friends, the less confident he felt around them. He couldn't let himself actually get attached. He was planning to take over the world, for goodness sake! He didn't know how he felt about his 'friends', especially Kirby and Zella. He relaxed against the spongy cloud, waiting for someone to say, "hey Marx! We're going to the next planet now!"

He soon heard the "hey Marx" he was listening for, but it wasn't to tell him to get on to the warp star. It was Zella. She sat down beside him. Ugh. What does SHE want? "Hey, Marx... I'm sorry about earlier. With the healing kiss and all that. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything. I didn't know you would be put on the spot like that, and I'm really sorry you had to... do that in front of everyone. I should have kept track of my health more... But remember, Kirby said all kisses were just for healing!" She said. Marx was surprised at her apology. It sounded genuine. ".... It's ok. I understand. I'm glad you realized your mistake. And I'm sorry for being so harsh on you..." Marx trailed off. He wanted to say more, but he didn't want to talk about his complex emotions and mixed feelings about the group and taking over the world. "That's ok Marx. We all have our bad days." She smiles at him. Marx slightly smiled back. "I'm going to go back to Skylar now. We have a lot of catching up to do!" Zella giggled and walked away to the other side of the cloud they were sitting on. Marx smiled again. But something was off... oh. That's right. He made a big deal about this. It wasn't even Zella's fault! Why didn't he just tell her that?! Marx sighed internally.

I can NOT get attached. It'll just make it harder for me in the end. Besides, this journey is only to get the star pieces, not to make new friends. It's not like they can do anything about my plan anyway. I won't let some dumb emotions get in the way of my ultimate plan. Unless they join me... no, they wouldn't. I mean, maybe Zella, but that would be stupid of her. I know she's dumb, but she's not THAT dumb. I'll just have to think of something else right now.


This chapter sucks ass I'm rewriting it rn

Update: It's barely better but it'll have to do ig

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