> Enter : Mekkai (Machine Planet) {Part 2}

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The rest of the crew stood in shock and fear. Prymm had hidden himself behind Kirby. "W-why not?" Asked Zella carefully. "It's is my duty to protect the star power. You're messing with the guardian of the final boss. Step back now and never return." Her voice sounded slightly more robotic than before.

"M-Meggy, please-"

"DON'T CALL ME MEGGY!" Her voice was extremely distorted. "My name is Mechanica. I was designed to protect the star power at all costs." Her red eye was glowing even more now. "I cannot let evil foreigners attempt to take the sacred star."

"Mechanica..." Skylar reached a wing to her friend before it got slapped away. "We're your friends... Skylar, Zella, and Mechanica, remember? On Floria, we couldn't go a day without seeing each other."

"I am unaware of what you mean," Mechanica said, not letting her guard down. Her voice was entirely robotic and her normal eye looked like she was half asleep. "Meggy, please listen, I know you're in there-"

"My name is Star Guard 03 - Mechanica."

"Star guard... what could that mean?" Asked Kirby quietly. "No time for intruders like you to reason with me. Leave. Now." The others didn't know what to say. "We... we can't leave. We need that star power!" Said Marx. "So be it," Mechanica replied robotically. Suddenly, her robot eye started shooting lasers at them.

"Ah!" Zella had been hit. Marx went over to help her before Skylar could. "Go fight! If you can knock her out of that robot thing, maybe we won't have to kill her!" Marx exclaimed. Zella had a large burn that made a scar over her eye. "Yeesh, that's gonna leave a mark," Marx said under his breath. The others continued to fight the mind-controlled Meggy.

It was a 3v1, excluding Marx and Zella, so they slowly but surely we're able to get her more wounded than them. Marx and Zella soon rejoined the game, Zella with a makeshift bandage over her eye. Soon enough, Mechanica was on the ground, too tired to fight anymore. Her red eye turned off and she seemed to "wake up".



She couldn't see much, but she witnessed Zella and Skylar running over to her and embracing her. Then she saw Zella's eye. "Oh my Nova, what happened to you?" She exclaimed. This was an awkward moment.

"Well you kinda went robo-mode and tried to kill us all."

"WHAT?! Why?!"




"It's ok, you can tell me."

"We need the star power."


"I remember now."


"You can have it."


"Yeah, I-" Mechanica was cut off as a wave of pain spread throughout her entire body. Suddenly, the metal plate on her face grew bigger until it engulfed all but her normal eye. She twitched and screamed before the screams became distorted and she stopped abruptly. Tears were pouring down her metal face, her eye the only trace of life left on her. Zella and Skylar stepped back from their friend

All of a sudden, a troop of three other soldiers appeared, metal covering their face (bodies?) too. Suddenly, they lunged at the crew. They fought back, but the soldiers' metal bodies made them stronger. However, that meant they were slower. By chipping away at them, Kirby and his four other friends were able to knock them out. Now only Mechanica was left. Skylar and Zella looked at her cold, metal body solemnly. It was lying on the ground.

Skylar walked up to her slowly. "...Meggy..?"

"My name is— zzzzt— Star Guard— zzt— 03. Searching for user- 'Meggy'. Error: user not found.

"Mechanica?" Zella asked, also approaching her damaged friend.

"Searching for user- 'Mechanica'. Error: user not found." She slowly walked towards the others, her red eye blinking.

"Please... don't kill her..." Zella said, turning to the crew.

"We have to! She's gonna kill us all!" Marx replied in anger. How can she possibly want to keep this murder machine alive?

"But Mechanica is our friend!" Skylar exclaimed.

"Guys... that's not Mechanica.." said Kirby, his voice heavy. Suddenly, it hit Zella. Mechanica was gone. All that's was left was a husk of her body, enclosed in a metal covering. She didn't even refer to herself as Mechanica, just as 'Star Guard 3' or something. Zella started crying as Skylar comforted her. Skylar turned to Marx with a sad look on her face, holding back tears. She nodded. Marx took a step towards Mechanica, then another, and another, until he was face to face with her. She swiped at him, but he dodged. Suddenly, he jumped up in the air and landed forcefully down onto her. He kicked and jumped and stomped on her until her red eye dulled down and she started silently crying. Marx stepped back.

What is this feeling? Is this... empathy? Even Marx was holding back tears now. Zella and Skylar rushed over to her.

"Meggy... p-please... come back to us... l-let's get the star power, together! And we can go back to Floria, and.. and.." Skylar was sitting over Mechanica's body while uncontrollably sobbing. Zella was doing the same. Skylar hugged her with her wings. "Please, Meggy... don't go... don't leave..."

"Shh..." Mechanica silenced the girls. Tears poured down her cold metal face. "Goodbye, guys. Thanks for all the adventures." And with that, Mechanica closed her eyes and fell asleep.


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