> Enter : Hotbeat (Flame Planet)

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Totally not filler because I don't know what to do on hotbeat (I promise mekkai is interesting)

Marx zoned out, lost in his thoughts. He snapped up when he heard Kirby calling to him. "C'mon, Marx! We're going to the next planet now!" Marx sighed and stood up. He treaded over to Kirby and friends.

"Woah, what's this?" Asked Skylar as Kirby summoned a warp star. "Oh, this is a warp star! It can get us to places super quickly! All we have to do it get on, and I control where it goes!" Kirby explained to Skylar. "That's so cool! The fastest method of transportation here is just riding on clouds. Actually, it's pretty similar, now that I think about it. How fast can this thing go?" She wondered. Kirby replied with a small giggle. "Oh, very fast," he said.

"Everyone ready?" Asked Kirby after everyone was on the warp star. "I- I think so... although, there isn't really enough room up here..." Prymm said, worried about falling off. "Don't worry, we'll be fine!" Said Zella. "I'll have to get a bigger star next time..." Kirby thought out loud. "Well, time for take off!" His voice trailed off as he flew into the interstellar reaches of the universe. Skylar sighed. "The closest planet to us is Hotbeat." She said. "That place is, like, really hot. I don't know if it'll suit some of us." Hearing an opportunity, Prymm volunteered. "I'll stay back! I-if you need me to..."

"But where will you stay?" Asked Kirby, genuinely concerned for his friend's safety, especially since he was scared of a lot of things... including being alone. "Uhh, Skyhigh? I- I guess?" He said, not completely sure of where he would go himself. Skyhigh was probably the best choice. It was the closest planet, and it had many soft clouds and safe areas. "Alright," said Kirby.

"But how will we know he's ok?" Asked Zella. Skylar chimed in, "Skyhigh can still be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. It's hard to tell the difference between solid and non-solid clouds.... I think I should go with him. He can stay at my place!"

"Great idea!" Said Kirby. He quickly flew them back to Skyhigh and dropped off the two who were staying behind. Prymm was glad that he had someone with him now. They watched as the others flew off on the warp star, until they were invisible to them. After a moment, Skylar said, "Come on! I'll take you to my house." Prymm nodded and followed her.


"Off to Hotbeat we go!" Exclaimed Kirby. "Hey, look at our crew. Just like old times," Zella giggled. The three realized that this was the crew they had before entering Aquarius. Kirby giggled as well. "Yup!" He said. The warp star went faster as it zoomed to the blazing planet. "Hold on to your hats!" Kirby exclaimed.

The star crash landed on scorching hot ground. "Ow!" Kirby exclaimed as his feet hit the hot surface beneath them. The warp star was cracked, but it hasn't broken yet. The three scrambled back onto it, not wanting to burn their feet any more. Suddenly, Kirby remembered his copy essences. "Of course! Everyone, hold on to me!" He exclaimed as he changed into the Wing copy essence. Marx and Zella glanced at each other before grabbing on to Kirby. It was a lot easier to carry people now that he had wings. "Here we go!" He exclaimed as he flew above the ground. There was a lava ceiling and lava floor, so he flew through the middle and avoided it. This continued until they reached a bomb block. "Blow it up, Kirby!" Said Zella. After activating the block, it just blocked them off with lava. "All it did was prevent us from going back," Marx said, annoyed. "I dunno... feels like there's something more" said Kirby.

They flew up and around the lava until they reached a rainbow lollipop. "Invincible candy! Grab it, Kirby!" Zella exclaimed. "Kirby ate the candy and began to move backwards. "Huh? Kirby? Why are you going this way?" Asked Marx. Kirby quickly gave a healing kiss to each of them, making them get the invincibility effect as well. "Hold on tight... I hope this works." Kirby flew above the lava pillar that blocked them earlier and found a star door above it. "I knew it!" He exclaimed. They went through the door only to be met by enemies. Unfortunately, their invincibility had ran out.

Milky Way Troubles // Kirby AU (Milky Way Wishes AU)Where stories live. Discover now