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Eren and Levi were cuddling while Erwin was away in a meeting, with the other commanders... It was silent between Levi and Eren since Eren was found... Levi now wouldn't leave Eren unless it's the restroom or shower...

Eren said, "Babe? You okay". Levi said, "Yeah I have paper work to do... But... You are important ". " Go do your work... I love you and I will be fine", Eren said. Levi kissed his forehead and left. Eren got up from the bed and went to the cafeteria. Eren said, "Hey guys". " Hey... No Levi?", Hana said. Eren said, "He has paperwork to do and Erwin is at a meeting". Annie said, "Hey Eren... Wanna spar?". Eren said, "not like I would win... But yeah". Annie said, "Bertholdt won't spar with me...".

After an hour of training, Levi said, "Eren... Move your arm like this". Levi showed him. Eren followed. Levi pinned Eren down. Eren groaned and said, " you lying prick". Levi helped him up.

They trained for 3 hours and ran 30 laps which took another hour. Eren laid down on Erwin's bed and said, "you killed me... It's like hot outside...". " Take off your shirt", Levi said. Eren glared at him and said, "not helping jackass". Levi looked at Eren and said, " I might as well fuck you for being the beat you are ". " then do it bitch", Eren said. Erwin groaned and said,"Eren... Levi... Not today... Eren please don't be a brat and Levi please go do your work". "Fine", they both said. Eren hugged Erwin and said, " why so grouchy babe". "just stress love", Erwin said. Eren said, " Need my help~". "No baby boy", Erwin said. Eren whined and said, "But I am bored and I want your cocks fucking me raw". Erwin looked at Eren.

A week later, Eren was talking to Hana. Levi said, " Brat we need to talk to you". Eren nodded. They left as Levi kissed him and said, "me and Erwin and our squads... Have to leave for a month...". " what... What if something goes wrong...". Erwin said, "calm down honey...nothing will happen... We are leaving tomorrow...". Eren nodded and kissed them. Erwin smirked and pinned Eren against the wall. Erwin slides his hands up Eren's shirt and said, " such a good boy~". Eren said, "more~". Levi said, " Upstairs~ strip down and we will be up there~". Eren nodded and left.

The had their fun night and Eren saw Erwin and Levi get ready and kissed them softly. "See you in a month...". They kissed him back and said, " we will be fine... Just rest for now". Eren nodded and fell asleep.


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