Chapter 5 • 5 Days: Part 1

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"You have until Friday to decide."



    A life-changing opportunity had to be decided in less than a week. All the pros and cons had to be made, the plans had to be finalized, and he had to be prepared for the big change.

And he had to do it quickly.

Not a single minute went by without the subject. His classes passed by in a blur. Whenever he wasn't in class, he was bumping into things, staring off into space, or tripping over his own feet. The behavior change caught Yasmin's attention, leading to her day being filled with concern and uneasiness.

Once the bell rang, the trio met up outside; agreeing that Roza would drop the two home. The unusual silence that came from Yasmin and Gabriel, created a tense atmosphere; which Roza disregarded.

When they got inside the car, Yasmin broke.

"Gabriel, what happened this morning? Are you okay? Did Mr. Hindwell hurt you again? I swear if he did, I will-" Gabriel cut off her rant. Dismissing the accusation and assuring her that he was alright. The pout on her face showed that she didn't believe him.

"She's only worried. You haven't been yourself today. You also suck at lying." Roza spoke from the driver's seat, with the same emotionless face and tone. The girl rarely spoke, but when she did, she spoke facts or opinion-based facts.

He looked between his two friends, debating if he should tell them.

'Better now than never, right? We're going to have to tell them at some point.'

He took a deep breath, building up his confidence before he explained the situation. He tried to keep it as brief as possible but ended up breaking down. When he finally wrapped up, they reached his home.

Yasmin gave him a sympathetic look, cupping his face in her hands. "My poor baby! Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. That is a life-altering opportunity, you should take it. You're worth way more than what this place offers. People don't treat you the way you need to be treated, maybe a first start is what you need." Yasmin moved the hair covering Gabriel's left eye. "Make the decision based on what you want, and not anyone else." She smiled at him, and Gabriel returned the smile.

"And maybe for me too." She kissed his head, making the boy burst into a fit of giggles. Gabriel looked past her, staring right at Roza who was watching the discussion.

"You'd be stupid to deny the scholarship." The smile on his face widened. Through the harsh words, he was able to find reinsurance.

"Thanks, guys." Yasmin pulled him in a tight hug.

"No need to thank us. Now get inside, make sure to eat, and get some sleep. Knowing you, you'll stay up overthinking everything. Love you, see ya tomorrow!" Gabriel stepped out of the car, waving his two friends off before heading inside.


Yasmin was right. Gabriel was up most of the night. The one time he did fall asleep, he was awoken by a nightmare. He wasn't going to sleep and he knew that. So instead, he went to take a shower.

He quietly made his way to the bathroom. Undressing and getting inside the tub. He looked at the handle and stopped. A bubble within him cracked, seeping stress and anxiety through the cracks.

What caused the crack? A decision. A decision between temperatures. Hot or cold water. He stood there, staring at the handle. Slowly stressing himself out.

'Stop stressing yourself out, just pick hot.'

His hand reached out to grab the handle, turning the water on and letting the water become hot. He bathed in the heat for a while before washing his body.

Once he finished, he rushed back to his room. He put on his outfit for the day and looked at the time.

'5:29, hm, I have some time to spare.' He hopped on his bed, picking up his phone from the charger. To his surprise, he had a message from Yasmin.

Min Min

I doubt you slept and I doubt that you're asleep. Sooo, be ready by 6, me and Roza are picking you up. And idc what your mother says, if Everlory can have her cult pick her up, so can you!

Sent 5:11

A smile stretched on his face. He pounced on his bed with anticipation; waiting patiently until his friends arrived.


The notification on his phone got his attention. That, and the sound of a car honking. He grabbed his bag and phone and rushed to the front door.

Before he could reach the door, a voice echoed through the air, causing his heart to drop.

"Good Morning Gabriel." He snapped his head towards the kitchen. His mother stood with a mug in her hand, her dirty blond hair in a ponytail, and an oversized shirt. "Where are you going?"

Her voice was sweet, laced with syrup and goodness. A beautiful smile crossed her face, an expression seen as welcoming. But not to Gabriel. Yes, he thought his mother was beautiful, but he knew the meaning behind her expression. It was one filled with disappointment.

"Uhm, my fri-friends wanted to uhh take me som-somewhere be-" His mother cut him out; she didn't like his stutter much.

"You know that's against the rule dear. No taking car rides from friends in the morning. You knew that Gabriel, I'm disappointed." She sighed. Guilt washed over Gabriel and he held his head down in shame.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He muttered, scrunching my sweater in my hands.

"Doubt it. But go, they're here, aren't they?" He nodded his head, turning to the door. "Be safe dear, I love you." Gabriel picked his head up, smiling at his mother.

Bye, mom. I love you too." He opened the door, locking it behind him, and then ran to Roza's car.


To Gabriel's excitement, they went to his favorite cafe. Going inside, they placed their orders and found a seat.

"I know how much you love coffee, so here we are. To make up for yesterday and ease your mind." Yasmin said once they sat down. "Also, I asked my dad if you could stay at our house for a while, specifically 'til Sunday morning. You know, a sleepover. Roza already agreed, tell your mother about it." Just then a barista came with their order.

"Thanks, Chloe, and I will ask my mother if I can." Gabriel said, emphasizing the word 'ask'. Yasmin rolled her eyes, thanking the barista.

Time passed by like this. Drinking their coffee and talking about anything and everything. Soon they had to leave and head off to school, but even that was spent doing the same thing. Just without the coffee.

Yasmin tried her best to distract Gabriel from the stressful decision he had to make. And she succeeded. Gabriel couldn't stop laughing and smiling the whole day.

When he got home the smile never faltered. He skipped around the house, giggling at the smallest thing that popped into his head. When he went to sleep, a smile was spread across his face.


Uh hi, uhm this wasn't suppose to be publish this late but uhm, family problems. And let's just say I'm not good with coping.

Anyways, I'm excited for this chapter! It's a very important one and the smallest of details always counts. The chapter will be broken down into 3 parts. Hopefully, I'll be able to get those parts out soon.

Comment and vote. Bye darlings.

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