Chapter 10 • Dorm Room

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-3rd POV-

Turning down the next seemingly endless hallway, Gabriel looked up from his map and groaned.

Damn, this place is a maze.

After his discussion with the principal, Ms. Rivers, Gabriel was sent to find his dorm. Apparently, an accident had occurred in his original dorm marking it unfit to live in. Since no other dorms were available, he had to share a dorm with someone else.

While telling him this, Ms. Rivers looked uneasy. Looking off to the side as she spoke, her eyes appeared distant, allegedly deep in thought. Gabriel didn't mind sharing a dorm with someone so he couldn't tell what was so worried about. He was more than thankful to just study here and sharing a dorm would be the least of his problems. But soon, it was made clear that Gabriel wasn't the cause of her concerns.

"Just..." Tapping her fingers against her lips, she finally looked towards Gabriel. "Just try... try to stay out of his hair. It''ll be for the better." He recalled her saying. Her words trailed off as if she was talking to herself.

'For the better?' Gabriel thought. Confused by her statement, Gabriel tried to ask a question of his own but she beat him to it.

"If something goes..wrong," she paused, taking her hand away from her face to play with the other. Choosing her next words carefully. "Or if you would like to switch dorms for whatever reason, I would happily make those arrangements for you. I could even have you stay at a nearby hotel for the time being. Just until your dorm is ready." She beamed, glistening with hope and promise. Gabriel was shocked and turned down her idea immediately.

Her smile faded in response as she just stared at Gabriel. The silence went on for a while before she sighed and handed him a dorm key.

Now, Gabriel was wandering the halls in search of his dorm. Even with the map provided to him, he still found it difficult to navigate through the building. He knew that he was currently on the second floor and that his dorm was on the fourth. He just has to find the stairs.

I can't tell if this map is trying to help us or make us mor-

"Ow." Gabriel groaned as he fell to the floor. He looked up at the wall ahead of him, too focused on the map to realize it before.


He grumbled under his breath, picking himself and the papers up. Adjusting his hair and glasses as he did so.

"Uh? You good, man?" Gabriel jumped slightly, startled by the man's voice. He grew flustered, realizing someone had watched him walk into a wall, and nodded his head to the question. His gaze dropped down to the map.

"Are you lost? You look kinda lost. Where ya heading to? Need any help?" The guy leaned over to look at the map as he spoke so quickly that his words were almost incoherent. Gabriel stiffened as the man invaded his space, tightening his grip on the map while a lump quickly formed in his throat. He took a deep breath and slowly began to lift his head.

The guy wasn't that much taller than Gabriel, fairly built, and tan. His dirty blond hair lay messily on his head and his brown eyes held a natural playful and curious gleam to them. While scanning him over, Gabriel caught sight of the green and yellow badge on his jacket.

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