Chapter 6 • 5 Days: Part 2

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     My smile slowly turned sour, my shoulders fell as if weights were on them. Weights of disappointment. The excitement that once filled me vanished. I didn't know what I was expecting. Maybe congratulations or words of encouragement? But no.

"Okay, sweetie." Not sparing me further attention she sipped on her tea, eyes gazing at her computer. Though that didn't deter me from telling her more news.

I was supposed to tell her about the scholarship and Yasmin's sleepover last night but forgot to. Even so, my decision hadn't been made. The topic not being at the back of my mind.

"Alright dear, have fun." She picked up her computer and went into the kitchen. Probably to refill her tea. A sigh left my lips, laced with disappointment yet insight. My mom was a busy woman, being a single mother of 2, she didn't have all the time in the world. She only gave time where it was deserved. And I was determined to earn it, like Everlory.

Imaging the look on her face when I finally made her proud sent a smile to my face. I let it carry me to my room, packing my clothes and getting ready for the day.


The car ride to the bus stop was quiet, quiet than usual. Normally, Everlory talked to mom or on her phone. Now she was completely silent, staring off into nothing. Looking dazed and maybe even.... scared?

I asked if she was fine at the bus stop. She didn't say anything at first, looking at me as if I wasn't human. She snapped out of it, telling me to fuck off and that it was none of my business. Then the bus arrived and we both got on.

Now I'm on the bus. Yasmin was seated next to me talking endlessly. After Roza got a car, she stopped taking the bus, leaving just me and Yasmin.

"The undetachable duo, seating in columns D & C 7, like the first time we met. Together and inseparable." She giggled, swinging an arm around my neck in a side hug. Laughing, I returned the hug. "Inseparable."


After school, Roza drove us to Yasmin's house.

"Welcome! Jacob is at work. My parents are on a date. Or is it the other way around? Eh, whatever. Come, come, come." Grabbing our wrist, Yasmin dragged us to her room.

As soon as we got there, she dropped our wrist and went to her closet. As she talked she brought out different clothing and costumes. We laughed as we tried on different outfits, told stories, play fighting, and a bunch of other things. It was so much fun, who would ever want to leave this behind? Yet, bubbles of worry form in the boiling water of fun. Releasing steams of uncertainty. Not wanting to worry, I put a cover over the hot pot, wanting the fun to continue without the steam releasing. Leaving the stove unattended.


I knew what was going to happen. I knew the effects of my decision and still made them. I knew I could run away from it and yet I tried. As the worry, I had yesterday, became a reality.

With pros come cons and with cons come pros. That's just life. But my life was different. A curse, Everlory called it. Every small good thing that happened always came with something bad. It could affect me, or the people around me. Blinded by the good, I failed to realize the bad was making its way to me.

Like today,

Waking up to a nice breakfast made by Mr. Matthew, Yasmin's dad. He congratulated me on my scholarship and gave me some advice before leaving for work.

Then we got to school. Yasmin and I chatted away in class. Sometimes getting caught just to silently giggle.

When lunch came around, we snuck out to Roza's car, trying to avoid the loud chatter of the cafeteria. We didn't go anywhere, just sat a talked.

And now, I was pinned up against the wall. Surrounded by my bullies while a fist was held in my face. I don't remember how Roza and I split from each other, Yasmin had around left for class.

My hands wrapped around Gaston's wrist, trying to release his grip. He brought his face up to mine.

"Word has gone 'round that you got a scholarship. Is it true?" I was past hyperventilating, my eyes were teary and I pressed my lips together to keep all sounds in. My eyes flickered around the room, refusing to shut.

A sharp smack sent my worries into a state of shock. The heated sting on my cheek caused my tears to fall.

"Are you deaf or stupid?" Gaston gritted. Breaking through the shock, I nodded my head to his first question.

"Jesus, who was high enough to give him a scholarship?"

"He'll only disappoint them, no point in taking it."

"Eh, they'll see their mistake soon."

These words echo through my head. My lips began trembling, tears flowing down like endless rivers. My hands shook, clawing and desperately trying to escape his grasp. It shouldn't matter, their words shouldn't hurt. So why did it feel like knives endlessly stabbing me?

"Not that they aren't wrong, you are the only one who got it. So, you have to take it." Gaston's grip tightens. It took a moment for me to register what he said. What? Why? "Your attendance at that school will have a positive impact on ours. Better lunch, renovations, more clubs. You get the point." Oh, I wasn't told that much, but I knew this school could improve if I took it.

"So yeah, you're going to take the offer. And if you don't, we'll make your last year here a living nightmare." He punched my stomach, causing me to wince and cry before dropping me to the floor. I fell on my ass, making me wince again. I couldn't hold anything back now, audibly hyperventilated, sobs here and there as I tried to catch my breath. Through my cries I could hear the boys laughing, walking away. Leaving me here like a piece of trash. Nothing more than a piece of trash.


Hello! Hope you enjoy this chapter. This chapter would've been out early if I was dragged on a vacation because "staying inside all day is unhealthy".

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