Horrible No Good Dates

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"Is this too casual?" Jamie asked nervously as he pulled on his t-shirt. "Maybe I should wear another."

He started to pull it off before Alan stopped him.

"Would you stop? It just Hogsmeade, not your bloody wedding day," he said, rolling his eyes.

"But it's with Elise. It has to be perfect," Jamie said.

Remus laughed from his bed where he was lounging, looking at the Prophet and catching up on the opening games of the season.

"Trust me, you look fine. And before you ask, no you don't look fat," Remus said. Jamie looked over at him.

"What are you doing today?" he asked.

"Reckon me and Chris will go down to Hogsmeade and see what mischief we can get into," Remus said, looking over at their roommate. "Right, Chris?"

"Yep," the blonde said from his bed.

Alan put on a bit of cologne and slapped Jamie on the back.

"Good luck, brother. Enjoy your date," he said with a grin. "And if you get too nervous, just take a sip of this."

He held out a small potion bottle. Jamie looked at it suspiciously and then back at his brother. He knew all too well that Alan would most definitely give him something to ruin his date without a qualm.

"What is it?" Jamie asked, cautious.

"It's just a bit of a confidence booster, if you will. Liquid courage," Alan replied, smiling.

Jamie looked dubious as he took the bottle and studied it closely.

"Whisky?" he asked. Alan chuckled and shook his head.

"No, something new Mam and Uncle George have been working on. Trust me. One sip, but only if you need it. Have fun!" Alan replied before turning and leaving.

Jamie took a deep breath and had one last look in the mirror, thinking he was going barmy, before turning toward the door.

"I'm off," he said nervously, sliding the bottle in his pocket.

"Good luck!" Remus and Chris shouted as he walked out the door.

Jamie made his way down to the common room where he found Elise sitting on a sofa, reading with her legs curled up underneath her. She looked up as she heard him approach and smiled.

"There you are. Ready?" she asked.

Jamie nodded and smiled, unable to speak. She slipped the book into her bag and stood, pulling it on her shoulder.

"Let's be off, then."

They walked out of the common room and started towards the castle entrance in awkward silence. Jamie kept looking over at Elise and started to say something, but stopped each time, deeming it too stupid. He suddenly wished he had asked Alan for more advice. This date was going to go terribly wrong; he could feel it.

"So... are you looking forward to the first Quidditch match next month?" Elise finally asked, glancing over at Jamie shyly.

"Good. Quidditch. Okay. This is a topic I won't sound stupid on," Jamie thought, relieved.

"I am," he said. "We've got a strong team - everyone from last year has returned - and we've started practice already. So far everyone is working together like a dream. I think we have a really good chance at the Quidditch Cup again."

"Good. It'd be a sad sight if we lost our last year here," Elise replied.

Jamie swallowed and looked down at her.

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