Match of the Season

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The day of the match dawned cold and windy, though sunny. Daisy wrinkled her nose as she made her way to the pitch and locker rooms with Jamie, Remus, Alan, and Chris a couple of hours before the game started.

"At least it's not raining," Remus said, glancing over his shoulder at his sister as she trudged through the high snow, leaning into the wind that threatened to topple her.

Her short height and slight frame put her at an obvious disadvantage with the elements compared to her brothers.

"But that wind is going to work against me when I'm up in the air. And the sun reflecting against the snow makes it harder to follow the snitch," Daisy grumbled as she scowled.

"Did you bring your tinted goggles?" Jamie asked.

Daisy responded with a strangled screech as she fell into a snow drift.

"Would you stay in the path? That's why I'm bloody making one for you!" Remus snapped as he stopped and turned back to her.

Jamie sighed as he looked back at his siblings. Daisy was glaring up at Remus - her bright green eyes and Gryffindor beanie the only thing visible over the snow surrounding her.

This was no good. Jamie was beginning to regret pushing them to practice so much. They were tired, grumpy, and snapping at each other.

Not good for the game at all.

Daisy attempted to get out of the hole, but only managed to get herself more stuck. Remus sighed and looked over at Chris.

"Chris, could you give me a hand?" Remus asked.

The chaser stepped back and reached over, grabbing Daisy's right arm while Remus grabbed hold of her left. Together, they easily pulled her out of the snow drift, but now the tiny seeker was shivering as she tried to dust the snow off her.

Even though she was still shooting glares at Remus, she made sure to stick close behind him, following in the trench he was clearing for her. His huge frame also helped to block the wind.

"Where are James and Roger?" Jamie asked suddenly, stopping to look around.

"Said they'd meet us there in a bit," Alan said.

He was ahead of the small group.

"Really hope those two aren't late," Jamie muttered.

"Why does there have to be so much bloody snow," Daisy grumbled.

It hadn't been that bad up until a couple days before the match. Only a few centimeters on the ground. Then they woke up Thursday morning to a good 60 cm of the stuff covering the entire castle grounds. Jamie and Remus had cleared paths to the pitch on Friday, but they had just filled in overnight - along with more on top.

Daisy was beginning to think Remus and Alan had been on to something when they jokingly suggested they all fly to the pitch on their brooms.

As if on cue, there was a whoosh as Roger and James flew over the group, heading to the pitch, the two of them cackling loudly.

"See you in the locker rooms!" James shouted gleefully.

Daisy stopped and watched them for a moment, huffing.

"Doesn't seem so silly anymore," Alan commented, shooting a scowl at Jamie.

"Just keep moving. The quicker we get there, the quicker I can thaw out," Daisy shouted back.



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