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       𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘍𝘐𝘙𝘚𝘛 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘐 𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋 𝘛𝘖 𝘋𝘖 when I got home was call her, but I didn't because I wanted to get showered and dressed first. I know she's under the impression something happened with Abel and me tonight but nothing did. I asked him to hang out to let him know that I was done being the person he called to have sex. I can't lie and say I didn't make some of those calls but what matters now is that I'm done.

I want Cory, and if getting her means cutting him off so be it. It's not as if we're close. We smoked and had sex but that was about it. No connection. Just sex. Now it's over and I'm focused on showing Cory that I'm not a total fuck up. I had no idea you could crave someone as much as I do her. The majority of my day was spent fantasizing about her and when I saw her in person I realized I want to be around her all the time.

I want to see her smile all the time. I want to kiss her whenever I feel like it. I don't want to be just friends with her, but if I have to fake it until I make I surely will. I walk over to my mirror checking to see if I look okay. I'm gonna call her and I want to look presentable.

I just got out of the shower so my hair is damp. In other circumstances, I would look terrible but the lighting in my room saved me.

I sat cross-cross on my bed and opened the messages app. I found her number saved under the name 'bestie🧎🏻‍♀️'. I was being petty. Anyways I click out messages and see the only thread we have is from a week ago at the party I went to. Embarrassing as fuck.

I start typing trying to be careful of how I sound. I want to sound welcoming. When I'm done I finally press send when I feel the message is perfect.

(sent 10:53)

I know it's a stupid starting line but bear with me. Almost immediately she being typing. My heart pounds and the three dots in the grey hunky move in order. It feels like forever before she hits send. And when she does I'm honestly shocked at what she says.

how was your dick appointment?
(sent 10:54)

God knows I'm not an expert on women in any way but, I think she's jealous. Or maybe I'm exaggerating. Either way, I smile and begin typing again. I know pissing her off wasn't the way to get her to like me but I have to admit. The possibility of her being jealous turns me on.

it could've gone better.
(sent 10:54)

It's barely three seconds after I send the message that my phone starts ringing and a FaceTime request from her pops up. I lean over and look in my room mirror before answering.

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