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𝘐 𝘚𝘗𝘌𝘕𝘋 𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘞𝘏𝘖𝘓𝘌 𝘋𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘙𝘠𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘛𝘖 𝘓𝘌𝘈𝘙𝘕 as much as I can about her. She answers most of my questions but subtly excuses the ones about family. I don't push her because I get it. Families are complicated, I hope one day she feels comfortable enough to talk to me about it.

So far I've learned that she's an only child and lives with her dad. I wanted to ask about her mom but again, I didn't want to push. After we graduate she wants to open an art museum. She plans on working at the Center for Italian Modern Art on a paid internship until she saves money to do so. Art internships pay quite a lot so I have no doubt she'll be able to make her dreams come true. She also has a thing for collecting Vinyl records which I love because music is everything.

We sit together at our table as our dinner comes to an end. I'm trying my best to keep our small talk going because the truth is I don't want this night to end. I don't want to be away from her.

"Thanks for making me try all that food. I can't believe I finally ate something besides chicken and fries, but it was great thank you."

I smile, "I'm glad you liked everything. I was scared I'd make you try something and you'd hate it. That would make me feel bad."

We exchange an awkward laugh and the table gets quiet again. Both of us trying to find something to say to fill the space but we both know our time is up. I look down at our leftovers that were now plated and ready to be taken home.

Her phone which is on the table gives out a certain notification sound. Which tells me her Uber is three minutes away. She looks disappointed when she hears it. I don't think she wants to leave either.

"How are you getting home?" She tilts her head as she asks. The light features that were now enhanced due to her makeup pop and she just looks so pretty.

"I was gonna take the subway but I'm honestly too tired. I'm just gonna call an Uber." I say.

"Do you want to come over?"

I pause at her question because I'm not sure she meant to say what she did. She's private about her personal life but wants to invite me into her home. How does that even make sense? I'm not sure but I'm going to accept the offer nevertheless.

"Are you sure? Would your dad be okay with that?"

At the mention of her father, I can see her face fall a little bit but she puts on a smile before she thinks I could notice. But  I did notice.

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