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"𝘖𝘏 𝘍𝘜𝘊𝘒, 𝘙𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛 𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘌" I roll my eyes back and clutch my bedsheets as her fingers and tongue work together to bring me to my third orgasm. Her free hand moves across my chest, and she begins using her fingers to rub my nipples in between.

The feeling of their fingers curling inside me and her tongue actively gliding over my clit drives me overboard but I don't even want it to stop. "Keep going." I cry out feeling my third orgasm closer than ever.

I sit up on my elbows to watch how precisely but sloppy she eats me. I run my left hand through her hair to move it out of her face. She speeds up the pace of her fingers getting me so close.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum" My voice gets stronger and so does my grip on the sheets. I feel my toes curl as the feeling in the pit of my stomach gets stronger.

"Oh fuck I'm cuming" I scream as I feel myself release. My breaths are heavy and I'm sweaty everywhere. I came.

She looks up at me- her fingers still me in and biting down on her lips as she slowly slides them in and out.

"You did so good baby. I'm proud of you." She takes her fingers out completely and I watch as she opens her mouth and sucks them clean. My god. She's perfect.

She stands up and walks over to the bathroom. She's gonna clean me up now. As I wait for her I lay back and close my eyes feeling like I'm going to sleep.

I feel a tap on my chest and when I open my eyes I realize it was all a dream. I look around seeing Sage in bed right next to me. She slept over. I yawn and turn to my other side seeing my mom. She's in her pajamas and not her regular old lady ones. She's in her sexy nightgown.

Is that man here?

"Good morning? Do you want to tell me what she's doing in your bed?"

I sigh, Sage should be the least of her worries. P

"We're just friends," I say, as I've finished having a wet dream about her. I run my hand over my face and look up at my mom.

"You're not ready for this Cory. You don't need a girlfriend right now." She makes her voice low so no one hears. I wave her off and try to go to sleep but she won't budge.

"I won't help you pick up the pieces if this doesn't work Coraline." I shake my head and lay back down in bed. I hear my door close and I sigh with relief.

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