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"𝘎𝘖! 𝘎𝘖! 𝘎𝘖! 𝘎𝘖!" That's all I hear as I chug down beer from the side of a random can. The liquid taste like poisoned water that a dirty person bathed in but I drink it anyways. I'm so drunk I'm stumbling back and the alcohol is starting to taste like water but at least I'm not sober.

a second later I smack the can down feeling beer drip down to my chin. I want to yell to congratulate myself but everything is so distorted I can't even concentrate on one thing. The crowd around me is cheering and I feel harsh pats on my back.

I hear someone yell for me to go again but I gain my balance and stumble away before the huddle gets worse. It's like I'm watching everything around me in slow motion.

For a minute I forget where I am but I'm in a house. A very big. Not sure where or what city but it's nice. Like the mansions in the high school movies. I wish I lived in a mansion, but don't we all?

The whole house is full of hot high school bodies all dancing against one another. If not dancing, they're drinking or having sex or making out. I made sure to steer clear of having anyone's body or lips on mines. I don't want to wake up regretting something.

I need to pee.

From across the room, I stare at the steps hating how far they are. They're not 80 miles away but when you're as drunk as I am they are. As I stand there contemplating if I really need to pee as my legs get weaker under me.

My knees bend and I almost fall but I grab onto someone and stand up. "exCUSEEEE me PLEASEEEEEE" I say, to the people surrounding me but it comes out as a whisper to myself.

When I make it to the staircase it's a longer distance up than it was when I was across the room. Fuck. I go to take my first step and nearly break my body. I miss the step and almost fall but a strong arm wraps around me.

"Take it slow sweetheart." A male voice rings in my ear but to be completely honest. It comes out as gibberish and I don't process it.

"Come on let me help you up."

I lift my head and look at him. A gummy smile spreads on my face as I take in his features. He's hot. "You're hot," I say as I try my best to keep my balance on our way up the stairs. He only laughs and continues helping me up.

We're not even halfway up the staircase when I hear "Love Sosa" by Chief Keef start playing.

"Are you kidding me?  They wanna get the party started when I leave? FUCK THEM" I say hearing people screaming the lyrics to the song. Again, he only laughs as we take the last few stairs up to the restroom.

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