Chapter 2

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We talked things all over throughly and i agreed that we're gonna get this truck at Cade's place. I couldn't leave yet 'cause i was so close finding something so i went with Cade. I walked outside and i hopped inside Cade's car. His chubby friend Lucas was driving behind us and also the truck was being towed.

"So you have a whole farm?" I asked while Cade drove in front of his house.

"It's a whole business." Cade said and parked his car. We jumped out of his car and then Cade started guided the man with the truck.

"All the way! " Cade guided and i heard Lucas sigh.

"A truck?!" Tess asked and walked towards Cade.

"Dad, please tell me you didn't spend our money on this." She asked.

Oh so he has a daughter.

"Oh, no, don't worry, he didn't. He spent my and this chicks money. A hundred and fifty bucks of it." Lucas said.

"Techically it's mine but Cade wanted it here." I shrugged.

"As an advance on your regular paycheck." Cade said to Lucas.

"What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked.

"Which you will get back." Cade answered.

"When?" Lucas asked.

"Never. We're broke." Tess said and walked towards the house.

"I knew it." Lucas said.

"Hey?" I asked but nobody listened me.

"Sweetheart, could you please not drive a wedge between employer and employee." Cade said and pointed at Lucas.

"Hold on. I thought we were partners." Lucas was confused.

"Look, i came up short, okay? I had to buy her a prom dress. You want me to deny her a prom dress?" Cade said. I crossed my arms and i stared at Tess.

"You might as well. You denied her a prom date." Lucas defenced Tess.

"You did that?" I asked. Cade stared at me.

"No, i offered to take her and chaperone." Cade tried to defence himself.

"Nobody wants to go to the dance with their dad. It's weird." Lucas said.

"I agree." I said and i looked at Tess who gave my reliefed face that somebody finally agrees with her.

"It's not the issue." Cade said.

"Well, maybe it should be." Tess said eventually.

"Hey, could you guys just get off my case? You know what the engine on this runs for? I can break it down and strip it for parts. And sweetheart, your shorts are shrinking by the second, okay?" Cade said.

"Yeah and hell nah you're gonna do that" I raised my eyebrow.

"Cold water, air dry, please." Cade said to Tess. She just rolled her eyes and left.

"Okay could we just focus on the truck now?" I asked.

"I think she looks hot." Lucas said and that made me turn to look at him.

"What did you say?" Cade asked.

"Ew." I murmured

"Like a hot teenager." Lucas raised her hands in the air.

"Oh, it's the teenager thing that makes it better. Thank you." Cade said and he was pissed.

"It didn't sound like what it meant." Lucas said.

"Too late for that." I crossed my arms.

Cade started to walk towards the barn and i jogged behind him.

"The truck?" I asked.

"Not yet. I need to handle few things first." Cade said. We walked inside the barn and it was amazing.

"Oh, my god. This is amazing." I looked around and i smiled.

"You think?" Cade asked confused.

"Yes! I love it." I said. So much things you could fix and build things. The truck was inside a barn and i walked around it. I saw Tess brought dinner to Cade and they talked but i didn't hear it. Suddenly Lucas punched something and it fell to the ground.

"Dude, stop breaking stuff." Cade said to him.

"Come on, come on." Lucas talked to a robot which Cade has build.

"Bring Daddy the alcohol. Come on." Lucas continued. This is so differend compared to military and the people in there. I walked towards to Cade and Tess.

"I mean, what is all this crap people send you?" Tess asked from Cade.

"That's a Discman and that's an 8-track tape." Cade pointed what Tess was holding on her hands. Tess looked at them and threw them back to the table.

"Music." Cade corrected.

"Never heard of it." Tess murmured.

"Look, i fix that, it's 100 bucks. I dix that, it's 250 bucks. If i would've been able to fix that before you broke it even more, it would've been 20 bucks." Cade told to Tess.

I grabbed something from the table and looked it.

"This stuff is what's gonna out you through college as long as you land one of those scholarships." Cade said to Tess and Lucas kept talking something from the back and we all turned to just look at him.

"I mean, i appreciate what he's doing and all these stuff are important to someone. I can say even if something is just bunch a piece of metal plates, it can be the most important thing in your life and when you lose it, it's gonna break your life into many pieces." I said and i looked at Tess and Cade.

Cade stared at me and then to Tess and Cade pointed at me.

"This is how we think here." Cade pointed me.

"Dad, you think maybe some things should never be invented?" Tess asked and i raised my eyebrow 'cause i didn't agree with her.

"No, i don't. That's backwards thinking. This is a temple of technology. You guys are standing in a holy place. Please respect it like some of here does." Cade said and looked at me again but then he walked towards the barn's door and i heard noises from outside.

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