Chapter 11

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I sighed and i walked back to the fire. I looked it and i was thinking again.

Shane and Tess were sitting next to eachother on the other side and Cade eventually walked next to me and sat down.

"Y/n?" Cade asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I don't wanna be rude but how did that happen?" Cade asked. I turned to look at Cade and he was starting at my arm. I raised my arm up and the metal pieces were shining from the light of the fire.

"It's a long story." I murmured and i looked at Cade but he really wanted to know. Also Shane and Tess looked interest about it so i sighed.

"She have the Spark." Crosshairs said behind me.

I looked up and Crosshairs was smiling at me and i knew he did that on purpose.

"Thanks Crosshairs." I smiled to him.

"You have the spark?" Cade asked confused.

"Yeah. Many years ago there was this Cube called Allspark and it was a object which was capable of creating new Transformers life. 10 years ago there was this one Decepticon called Megatron who really wanted this Cube 'cause he wanted to create a whole army so i needed to destroy the Cube. We managed to destroy it but two years after this i found a little piece of the cube. It kinda somehow me a burn and electric shock at the same time and it made a wound in my hand and then next thing i had was this." I tried to explain.

"So it's possible to human have a spark." Cade asked.

"Well with Optimus and Rathet we tried to figure together what was going on 'cause there has never been a same kind of thing and i guess it was just a thing which happened once. I remember the Primes to say that i just got it and that Optimus is my destiny so here i am with arm and inside full of metal." I said and smiled.

"So are you robot?" Tess asked.

"Nah i wouldn't say it like that. It's like only metal but i don't have any super power or i don't turn into motorcycle or anything like that. I may live little longer than a normal human." I said.

"Whoa." Cade whispered and i could see Shane stared at me.

"Go on." I said to Shane 'cause i knew he was going to say something.

"I've seen you in TV." Shane murmured.

"Tv?!" I asked.

"Yeah, they showed the military in tv." Shane said.

"Oh, yeah. I worked in the military." I said.

"What are you? A soldier?" Shane asked.

"A Major... Or former." I corrected.

Nobody said anything.

"But to be honest it was something i liked to do and i got to travel around the world. I was also in charge of the Autobots." I added.

"I really thought you're just a normal human." Cade said.

"Well surprise." I smiled.

I stretched my arms and i stood up.

"But that's it for tonight. Now you know almost everything about me but i'm going to sleep now." I said.

I walked past Cade and the others towards the Autobots. Drift, Bee and Crosshairs were already transformed to their altmodes.

Hound was still cleaning his guns and Optimus looked kinda worried.

"You did a great job." Hound suddenly said to me.

"Did i?" I asked.

"You brought him back. Ya knew i trusted ya on this." Hound said.

"So usually you don't?" I teased him.

"Nah, you know i trust you." Hound said.

"Yeah, i do." I smiled to him and i walked towards Optimus.

"We need to leave early tomorrow." Optimus said.

"I think it's better to leave early." I agreed with him and looked how he transformed back to his altmode. He opened his door and i climbed in. I closed the door and i also lowered the backrest a bit so i could sleep better than last knight.

I kicked my shoes off and i raised my legs up to the seat and i tried to lay on there and it was actually pretty comfortable. Then i felt how the seat started to warm up. Slight smile appeared on my face.

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