Chapter 27 ~ Epilogue

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It's been over half a year now when Optimus left. I sat on the terrace and i just watched the view.
Cade made me take Joshua's gift and i got my own little house to gountryside where i had large yard where the Autobots could fit when they're coming to visit me. Cade lives 30 minutes drive apart.
I met old friends too and i couldn't even believe that they were alive anymore.

"I hate these..." I heard cursing behind me.

"Wheelie, could you leave the door in peace?" I asked from him.

"Listen, i'm just saying but who designed these? Is full of shit and Autobots can't use these properly." Wheelie cursed and rolled next to me.

"Well, usually houses aren't designed for Autobots." I smiled.

"Whoever did this is just shitty designer." Wheelie cursed again.

"I'll figure something." I said.

"Could you?" Wheelie asked.

"Sure." I smiled to him.

I stretched my arms and i stood up. It was afternoon but the sun was still up. It was beautiful but i needed to go inside the house. I walked towards the communicating door where you can see through. I held the door open for Wheelie since he struggled with it.

I looked the pictures on my fridge. There was the picture of me and our military grew but also with me and Sam. I miss him but you can't wake anyone up from death. I took the picture of Optimus off the door and i looked it. I miss him, i really do.

I placed the picture on the counter 'cause i needed to use the restroom. Wheelie was laying on the couch and changing the TV channels but there was nothing interesting.

I looked myself from the restroom's mirror and i had these few scars from back of the days. When i talked to Optimus about the Allspark, Hound has helped me somehow and apparently it has spread all over my body. I asked but he didn't know how it's possible.

"Y/n, they have something to say!" Wheelie yelled from the living room.

I washed my hands quickly and i dried them on my shirt.

"Who is there?" I asked and i took the earbud from Wheelie.

"Hound." Wheelie said.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Hound? What's up?" I asked when i walked to the kitchen. I leaned towards the counter and i could see Wheelie staring the tv.

"Listen, they're coming to get you." Hound said and that made me worried. I stood up properly.

"Who?" I asked while i took the photo of Optimus and the others. I knew i needed to go.

"TRF. They're trying to hunt us but apparently they want you too." Hound said to me.

"Of course they do." I murmured while i ran to the bedroom and i grabbed a backpack. I started to threw some important things in there just some spare clothes, phone and (you can decide what you took.)

"I'm soon there but there is one thing more." Hound said and i didn't know what else there could be. I walked to the living room and i closed the tv.

"I was watching that!" Wheelie yelled.

"Shh and get up." I shushed to him.

"They're also after Cade." Hound said.

"What?!" I yelled and i stopped everything.

"Cade helped us back there and they know he's been intracted with you." Hound continued.

"God's sake. They should get all the people i talk to." I murmured and i grabbed my jacket.

I heard Hound driving in front of my house and beeping the horn.

"Wheelie!" I said but i went to grab him because he was being slow.

I ran to Hound's driver's door and i jumped in.

"I knew this wasn't going to end." I murmured.

"It was going too well." Hound said and he started to drive away.

"Can you call Cade and tell him that Bee is on his way." Hound asked.

"Yeah." I murmured and i grabbed my phone from the backpack.

I pressed Cade's name and it started to ring.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

"What is taking so long..." I muttered and Wheelie stared at me on the passanger's seat.

"Y/n?" Cade answered to the phone.

"Finally! Pack your things up and go outside! Bee's coming to get you up." I said to him.

"What's going on?" Cade asked.

"The TRF is after you too because of me so please be fast and well meet up somewhere." I said to him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Cade murmured.

"See you soon." I said and i ended the call.

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