Chapter 4

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"Twenty-five grand! It pays for my college. It pays for the house." Tess continued after all.

"Besides, you used my money to buy the truck right? So techically, that's my truck. Don't you think?" Lucas said.

"Excuse me but has everyone forget me? And you! Who you think you are? I put more money on the truck so basically it's mine! And we agreed with Cade that i will get the truck after it's fixed." I raised my voice so that they all could hear me.

"Lucas, you signed a contract regarding all research lab I.P. " Cade said to Lucas.

"Research lab? It's a barn, dude." Lucas said.

"Guys! Stop and focus!" I yelled to them 'cause Cade and Lucas were arguing like a little kids.

"All right. Bring the torch over and help me with the pulley arm." Cade said to Lucas.

"I'll help." I said.

"You?" Lucas said and he looked like i didn't know anything expecially fix cars and trucks.

"Yeah, me." I continued.

"I think the sharpnel took out its power core." Cade said.

I was standing right in front of Optimus.

"Oh, and, Tessa, you see this?" Cade showed a hammer and started to hit Optimus.

"Would an alien killing machine let me do that?" Cade asked.

"Stop! What an Earth are you doing?!" I asked from Cade.

"Look, we'll figure this out. Just first let me see if i'm right. You want to hide in the house? Go ahead." Cade said to Tess and she just nodded with agreement and left running.

"Let's go. Pulley arm." Cade continued.

"Ya'll are messed up." I commented.

Cade started to work on. Lucas and i stared at Cade.

"What is that? Looks like a missile." Lucas said while he stood on the ladders.

"Don't touch it!" I yelled but too late.

"It is! Whoa!" Cade yelled and the missile went around the barn and it came right towards us. I protected my head with my arms and Lucas fell down from the ladders. Cade threw himself to the ground and then the missile flew outside.

"Shit." I murmured.

"Dad!" I heard Tess yell outside.

"I told you to not touch it." I looked at Cade.

"There's a missile in the family room!" Tess yelled.

I finally stood up and i looked at Optimus and then back to Cade.

"Holy..." Cade started but them suddenly Optimus started to keep noise and he Transformed. Cade and Lucas quickly went further away from Optimus but my stupid ass just stood there in front of him.

Optimus growled and Lucas and Cade jumped to the ground. I lowered myseld a little bit and i lost my balance and i fell on the ground. I sat there looking at Optimus.

"I'll kill you!" Optimus yelled.

"Stop!" I yelled to him.

Optimus grunted and tried to walk but he couldn't. Optimus basically destroyed the place and almost killed all of us.

"No! No!" Optimus yelled and I tried to stood up from the ground.

"Stop! Everybody! Stop! Calm down!" I yelled and i signalized with my arms to calm down.

"Dad, there's a missile in..." Tess came running inside the barn and Cade ran towards Tess to stop her.

"I'll kill you! Stay back!" Optimus stood up and warned us.

"Optimus! Stop!" I yelled and then he pointed her gun towards Cade and Tess.

"Oh, no. Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Cade yelled and protected Tess.

"Call 911! Run!" Lucas yelled and suddenly started to run.

"Don't run!" I yelled.

"Lucas!" Cade yelled to him too.

"Stop!" Optimus growled and then he hit Lucas so that he fell to the ground.

"Lucas? Don't move, just calm down." Cade said while Lucas laid on the ground.

"Everybody! Calm down! You, stop it right now!" I said and then i pointed at Optimus.

"Easy, human." Optimus said.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked from Optimus and i walked closer.

"It's Y/n." I said and I pointed myself.

Optimus scanned me troughly and i thought he recognized me immediately.

"You're alive..." Optimus murmured.

"Of course, i'm. I could say that to you." I said and i crossed my arms over my chest.

"He's not going to hurt us." Cade said to Tess and now looked at me and Optimus.

"Of course not. He's just confused." I said to Cade and i looked back to Optimus.

"Weapons systems damaged." Optimus said.

"Well, a missile hit your engine but these guys took it out. Please calm down." I said to Optimus and he just groaned.

"I will fix you and these guys are trying to help you." I continued.

"You know him?" Cade asked.

"Of course i do." I said and i looked back at Optimus.

"Where am i?" Optimus asked.

"You're in my home now. I'm an engineer. My name is Cade Yeager." Cade introduced himself.

"Cade, i am in your debt. My name is Optimus Prime. My Autobots. They're in danger." Optimus said and then he fell on his knees.

"But so are you... Nobody is safe now and the Autobots are fine." I said and i looked at his optics.

"I need to go. I need to go now. " Optimus said and held his head.

"How far you think you're gonna get?" Cade asked.

"Exactly... You're not going anywhere until we fix you up but now i wanna know what happened to you?" I asked from him.

"An ambush. A trap. Set by humans." Optimus said and started to cough.

"Of course." I murmured and then i rubbed my chin.

"I escaped and took this form." Optimus said.

"But you're on our side. Why would humans hurt you?" Tess asked from Optimus.

"They were not alone." Optimus said.

"You don't know? They view them as hostile and public enemy so they started to hunt them down." I explained the short story to Tess and Cade.

"My Autobots can repair me." Optimus said.

"Yeah. If you can reach 'em." Cade said.

"Yeah, so after 10 years i haven't gained any fixing skills?" I just asked.

Cade, Tess and Lucas were absolutely confused right now.

"So the thing is that me and Cade are gonna help you and then when you're ok we're gonna go back to find the Autobots. Okay?" I asked.

Cade nodded 'cause he wanted to help.

"Fine but we'll need to hurry." Optimus said.

"Okay so let's start working." I said and looked at Cade.

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