Chapter 4

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As Jayne waited outside the door to the classroom, she strained to hear what was going on. When she had hear her new friend say that she wanted to talk to her mother, in Jayne's mind, she had sounded anxious. All that Jayne wanted was to ensure that everyone was fine. But by listening she got way more than she bargained for.
Deciding that leaning against the wall right next to the door and listening through the crack was the best way to do it, she leant casually by the door and tucked her hair behind her ear. The sound came to her suddenly, and unexpectedly loudly, although she could tell that they were speaking at normal volume.
"Darling, you have to tell me, could you see any mark upon her?"
"No, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have one. You can't see everyone's in this uniform anyway, sometimes they are in private places."
"Yes I know that darling, but I don't think that she has a mark."
"What!" Sophie gasped. "Why is there a normal in our school?"
"Calm down. Don't get alarmed. But I want you to try and find out if she has the mark, just ask and see if she has a birthmark. Whatever happens come and see me at lunch and let me know. But if Jayne McCaide is who I think she is then we're going to have to be very creative as to how we're going to bring out her inner fae. And even more careful that the dark fae don't get to her before we do. Now go, we don't want her to suspect anything in case she has a natural power draw." Jayne drew in a sharp intake of breath and quickly straightened up, somehow unwilling to have Sophie know that she had heard the conversation.
"Ready to go." Jayne asked as soon as Sophie stepped out of the classroom. The corridors were starting to fill up now and so there was even more of a chance to get stared. Hoping that remaining in conversation would keep most of the stares off her, she chatted animatedly to Sophie about random things that had happened at the school in the past. She found the conversation interesting enough but her mind was still pondering what she had heard earlier. What on earth did fae mean? She thought of all that she had heard, why had they been talking about her. Who were the dark fae? What mark were they talking about? There were so many questions running through her head yet she couldn't ask them for fear of being reprimanded.
"Do you have a birthmark?" Sophie asked.
"No, why?" Jayne replied, although she knew perfectly well why she was asking.
"No reason, I just find that it's interesting to see the differences in our class compared to the similarities. For instance, have you noticed that everyone in our class is so different yet also so all the same? One of those is that we all have birthmarks. You can be used he odd one out!" Sophie grinned.
"Yay." Jayne said sarcastically. "Just what I wanted, to be different."
"Jayne I'm so sorry. That's not what I meant..."
"Just forget it." Said Jayne.
The rest of the walk was spent in silence, neither of the two girls wanting to be the first to speak. But upon their arrival at the sapphire room Jayne could handle the silence no longer. "What am I supposed to do?"
Sophie seemed just as relieved as Jayne that their dispute was over. " Just go up to Mr Angolam, tell him that you're new and then just hope for the best."
"Thanks a lot."
"Good luck."
As they walked into the room they split up, each going in different directions, Sophie to her regular seat and Jayne up to the front. When she got to the front she saw a man with absolutely crazy style. He was wearing a silk suit and a completely wacky shirt with absolutely nuts scarfs. That was definitely not what she had been expecting. Still she followed the advice she had been given and walked up to who she assumed was Mr Angolam and gave him her name and told him that she was new. She was relieved when he just greeted her kindly and sent her to sit next to Sophie, who seemed just as glad as Jayne herself.
"Have you got your book?"
"Ummm no, only a notebook and pencil case. I wasn't aware that I needed anything apart from this."
"Don't worry, I'm only joking. You'll need to get a folder to put all your notes in though."
Then male voice penetrated the classroom. "Ok class settle down. Today we're going to be talking about vectors. Can you please write the title, date and learning objective's on your paper and then we'll begin."
There was a rustling of paper as everyone opened their notebooks and began to write. Once everyone was looking up again, he began to talk. The lesson flew by, and by the end of it Jayne had a whole page full of information and a big brain ache. She understood what was going on though, and the logic suddenly came to her and her confusion was unveiled. Finally she got it, and that was in the corridor on her way to science, after receiving a folder from Mr Angolam, who she had decided was a good teacher. Hopefully the rest of her day would be like her maths lesson, only with a bit less confusion.

The rest of the morning passed by in a blur. But when it came to lunch, Sophie said what she had been dreading to happen.
"Jayne do you mind if I go and talk to my mum again."
Jayne's heart went cold and she simply nodded.
"If you go and sit at that table there, I'll come over in a minute and we can go and get lunch together."
So once again they went their separate ways and Jayne had no hope of discovering what was in store for her. Unless. Wait there was something forming in her mind. Her brain flashed back to the time that she had listened in on the conversation, how when she had tucked her hair away, the sound had just come to her. So, just going on instinct, she copied her earlier movements and the sound of the canteen overwhelmed her. Searching through it, she managed to pick out the conversation she was looking for.
"So, does she have the mark?"
"No. What does this mean mother? What are we up against here?"
"Darling you have to listen to me. Have you heard of the Great Prophecy?"
"Yes of course, hasn't everyone?"
"And do you know what it entails?"
"An element master of the flying kind, who has not been seen for thousands of years shall return to one who knows naught of who she is. She shall be different from the rest but yet must be the same as all. There shall be darkness and there shall be light but ultimately the elemental has to decide on who she is and harness all her powers and discover the true, united path and lead."
"Now do you see why she has no mark?"
"Wait, you mean you think that Jayne is the element master. What do you mean?"
"Think about it. Different but ultimately the same. All fae, including the dark ones have the mark, yet she doesn't. She's different from us all but ultimately the same, as Mrs Hartley confirmed that she has fae blood, just not a type that she recognised. The only fae type that hasn't been touched by Mrs Hartley is an elemental, it makes sense."
"What are we supposed to do? Some of us have enough difficulties, even if they have limited abilities, how on earth are we meant to control a flying elemental?"
"I don't know yet darling. But whatever we do we cannot make her angry. To have her have a natural power draw could be catastrophic. Remember that. Now go, try and keep her balanced until I can come up with a way to safely release her powers."
"See you later mum." She heard Sophie say, before untucking her hair and standing up, smiling at her secretive friend as she came over, and walked with her to get their food. When they returned to the table, it was full of other people who Jayne recognised for her class. Feeling slightly apprehensive about joining the group, Jayne reluctantly walked over and sat down at the empty spot. The rest of the group were chatting to Sophie, who had arrived before her because of her reluctance to join the table, but as soon as Jayne joined them, silence fell until Sophie piped up and introduced her to everyone, putting names to the faces that she already knew. Apart from her and Sophie, the ten others sitting at the table were: Becky, Samantha, Chase, Ben, Sebastian, Tessa, Anton, Erin, Bella and Mike. To be fair they all seemed nice enough, thought Jayne, even though Samantha does seem to have a bit of an attitude. Once lunch was over, the day seemed to move a lot more quickly. Her first lesson after registration didn't require her to move at all. I fact, she didn't need to move until the end of the day. She had double classics after lunch in the crimson room, with Professor Jenkins. It was by far the best lesson they'd had all day. The form was studying how the Greek and Roman gods were similar and different compared to each other. All her life, Jayne had been interested in the myths of those two eras, so she found that for the first time that day, she wasn't out of her depth. At the end of the lesson, the Professor called Jayne over to ask her how she was settling in and to congratulate her and how good she was at Classics. After another five or so minutes Jayne was finally out of the school buildings, after saying goodbye to Sophie. She began her walk home contemplating how different this school was compared to her old one, and much better in many ways, except maybe the uniform and the secrets.

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