Chapter 2

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When Jayne eventually arrived at her new school, Howells Academy for Gifted Young People, she knew at once that she was doomed. There were people here. Lots and lots of people. For some reason that she had never known, Jayne had always hated being around large groups. It wasn't that she was frightened of them, only that she found them tiresome. Well that and the fact that she always felt so set apart from them, so different. Nothing that they were saying made any kind of impact on her; it was as if they were all stupid. So she just kept her head down, knowing that the people it was worth making friends with would come to her, not the other way around. So she took her own advice and just plunged through the throngs of pupils trying to get lost in the many sounds that assaulted her hearing.
When she eventually reached the other side of the courtyard, she pushed open the doors and tried to find the reception. After getting hopelessly lost a few times, she managed to find her way. A kindly looking lady greeted her, probably in about her late 50s to early 60s, with glasses hanging by a beaded string around her neck and sporting a name badge identifying her as Mrs. Hartley, head secretary of the school.
"Hi my name is Jayne McCaide and I'm new to Year 9 here. I wonder if you could tell me where to go. I'm sorry, I just have no idea."
"Of course dear. Please can you tell me your name again please sweetie so I can print off your timetable."
"Jayne McCaide, Year 9."
"Ah yes, of course. We've been expecting you for a little while. We hear that you have an excellent reputation and I'm sure that you'll be an excellent asset to our school."
Jayne squirmed uncomfortably and blushed a little. "Well, I did do pretty well in my exams last year. Does everyone know everything about me?"
"Well, I wouldn't say that honey but..." her voice trailed off.
Jayne sighed. Once again she would be the centre of attention because of absolutely nothing except that she was new or different. However she knew that she couldn't focus too much on it, attention however unwanted would always come to her and she was certain of that.
"Here you go." Said Mrs. Hartley. "Your timetable and homework planner are in this pack as well as a map of the school. It will probably come in useful for you."
"Thanks a lot. I'm sorry but could you please show me where I am and where I need to go."
"Sure. You're here and for form time and registration you have Professor Jenkins. She is the head of our classics department here at Howells. Although you may not have studied Classics in your old school, here we take it very seriously as it is important to remember what our predecessors believed, especially the Greeks and Romans who helped shape our land so much. She has 3 kids, 2 who go to this school, Lucy in year 11 and Sophie in year 9, as well as last year's head girl Lara. She'd be more than happy to point them out to you. In fact, I think Sophie is in your form group. Excellent. The whole family is really nice and they would have no problem about showing you around until you get your bearings a bit better. In fact, here's Lucy now. Lucy dear, would you mind showing Jayne here to your mother's classroom, she's new."
Jayne turned round to see a pretty girl with light brown hair with a few darker, natural highlights. Somehow, she managed to make the school uniform that Jayne despised so much look amazing. A slight glimmer caught her eye, so she looked and saw a prefects badge fastened securely to her blazer.
"Sure Mrs. Hartley. I need to pop in there anyway. What does she have after that?"
"Maths with Mr. Angolam, sapphire room."
"I'll drop her off there too unless my sister does it for me. Come on then, Jayne is it; I'll show you where to go."
Lucy led Jayne along a series of hallways, pointing out certain rooms as she went. "Now, here's the corridor leading down to the sports department, down there is the language block, here's the maths block and this corridor is the tech corridor."
They turned down it and walked a few metres down it before Jayne stopped suddenly. "What's up?" Lucy asked, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Nothing much. Don't laugh but why are all the doors all brightly coloured?" Despite Jayne's warning she laughed anyway.
"Oh that, yeah. That's just something that the teachers in this school did to try and get everyone to put loads of effort into their work by making the school a happier place. They believe that a happy student is a productive student. Personally I think that they should all be one colour. Sure, happiness is important but in my mind this system just makes things confusing and is a distraction. The insides of the classrooms are painted the same colour as their doors, so don't get too surprised." Lucy had started walking during her monologue but she turned when she realised that Jayne still wasn't following her. " Well come on then, we haven't got long till registration and you can't be late on your first day!" Jayne followed with a start, continuing to follow Lucy down the long maze of corridors.

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