Chapter 9

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When Jayne woke up she found herself huddled in a cage shaking and disorientated. She was wearing merely a rag; all her school uniform was gone. Her agony seemed to have mostly vanished; only a few aches and pains remained. She looked up and found herself in what looked like a science lab crossed with an operating theatre. It was all plain white and there was a horrible smell of some bleach like substance. Then she heard a creaking noise to her left so she turned her head and saw the man who had shot her out of the sky come into the room. "Ah Miss McCaide, you are awake I see. We can proceed with the procedure now." He left the room again briefly and the came back in with three other men and two women. The six were all different, but similar in their inner core. Fae, just like her and her classmates and the rest of her school. "Open the cage and attach her to the table." said the man who had captured her and immediately two of the men took long strides towards her. Jayne shied back, knowing that these people were bad business. But it was useless resisting. The men barely needed to take five steps before they had reached her and they made quick work on the lock of the cage and lifted her like she was a feather carrying her over to the large operating table in the middle of the room. They weren't gentle either. It was almost as if they were trying extra hard to push right and her most bruised places. That made her wonder how long she had actually been where she was, how many things she had gone through since she was taken. Her mum was probably worried sick about her. But there was nothing they could do, unless they casually gave her a mobile phone and allowed her to make a call. The outlook was doubtful. Boy was she going to be in so much trouble when she got back, if she got back.
These thoughts left her mind however when she was half slammed onto the table and the two men started tying down her arms and legs." What are you doing, get off me" Jayne said. She was starting to get seriously creeped out by these weird dudes and pretty cheesed off as well. She started wriggling trying to escape her binds but it was no use. She was trapped. "Gag her." Said the pointy eared man. He seemed to be in charge of everything going on around here. "But sir." Said one of the women, confirming her suspicions. "Don't we need her to talk during the proceedings?"
"We do but for now we don't want her interrupting me."
"Yes sir." Said the woman. She went over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a role of duct tape. The fact that these so obviously scientific people would use duct tape to stop a girl talking made her want to laugh, but she couldn't bring herself to do it when she remembered that it was her they were going to stop talking. The woman came over to her and opened the duct tape and covered her mouth with it, but very kindly left her nose free so that she could breathe. That was one small kindness at least, leaving her able to breathe. Somehow Jayne found that using sarcasm, even in her mind, helped her get through difficult situations. This certainly counts as difficult, she thought to herself.
It seemed like a very long time had passed, but Jayne knew that it hadn't really been too long; when pointy eared man began to talk again. "In the past week, we have altered your DNA to make it so that you have also got lupine DNA mixed in with your fae DNA. We are here today to awaken it. Maléna, get ready to commence the awakening. Felicia, remove the gag. Finn, Tony, Marcus prepare yourself for your parts. Miss Jayne McCaide, I do not wish to hear a single word from you unless you are told to speak by us. If you do, things will become even more unpleasant for you than they already are. Oh and don't even think about trying to use your powers, there is a strong blocking spell on this room; you cannot reach your power here. Maléna begin." The woman who had attached my gag removed it during his speech and the two men who had moved me from my cage to the table walked over to her capturer and the other man. The other woman, who I assumed was Maléna merely closed her eyes, and then opened them again when she was told to begin. But since she had closed them they had gone a creepy swirling grey colour, it looked like the actual iris colour was moving and twisting. It freaked her out big time. Then she felt a presence in her mind and it overwhelmed her, seizing control of her brain functions, including her speech. She could think for herself but couldn't control her body. Maléna, she realised. This was what Maléna's part of the ceremony was. Stopping her from mucking things up purposefully and also ensuring that she got it right. They obviously knew her well enough that to leave something that Jayne herself had to do that was vitally important to their plans wouldn't work out well for them.
She dimly heard that one of the men was speaking; she thought she heard the word 'Wolfblood' and then felt her lips move, and her vocal chords straining to make a reply. This went on and on and on, her life basically repeating itself until at last she felt Maléna's presence leave her mind. Finally able to have control over her mental facilities, she forced her eyes open and looked to see the two men who had taken her from the cage moving towards her again. She could tell that something was different within her, but she didn't know what. She felt her bindings being torn off and hands lifting her body as she was transported off the table and into the unknown.

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