Skyler's father.

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Name: first name still TBD but last name King.

Other name: Demon King

Gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual *not saying pans are bad people!*

Species: Demon

Powers: his powers is puppeteering using shadows. Which is basically he can manipulate one's shadow and in turn person. He can also almost like telepathically communicate with those of his same species, to those who hear it is is like a low sinister whispers. He can go in and out of shadows with ease. He can also fly. Inhuman strength. His speed is a bit faster than an average man but isn't something that would be classified as inhuman. His powers grow when negative emotions are present.

Personality: Greedy, curious, selfish, egotistical and narcissist. He hates helping others unless he can somehow he can make it a gain for himself. He however is very manipulative. He hates being in the wrong so in his mind he doesn't do anything wrong.

Crushes(?): he doesn't exactly fall in love with someone. He is usually only physically attractive to people. However if they are as wicked as him he may start liking them as well.

Likes: questioning the world around him and doing things to figure out if things are possible or not. He likes attention/devotion. He loves wealth and power. He loves learning. Loves being in control of others especially his small army of devoted followers and fellow lower demons.

Dislikes: disobedience, when people question him. Being told He is wrong. Being told what to do. Being told he is crazy. Hates being betrayed by sneaky moles in his ranks and he definitely will get revenge.

Background: read with caution. This can get dark as it is a demon so killing of many kinds are talked of along with r*pe and self harm is mentioned and prisoners used for manual work is mentioned as well(like slaves). Misscarges and other baby related deaths are also apart of this. Let me know if there is anything else.

He is well over thousands of years old however he looks like he is in his late 30's early 40's. Thus having being that old he managed to gain a following of demons. It started out as simply being stronger than those around his age. Then being the 'top dog' in his group of 'friends' then controlling sections of the forest near his home which is on the top of a mountain. As he grew in power so did his fear among humans and devotions with other demons and twisted humans. He became the demon King who was the most powerful shadow type demon there was. But during his prime he was captured by humans and other magical beings who opposed him. Put in an enchantment where it left him suspended in time. He was able to see and hear everything around him however was unable to move/feel/ or use his demonic powers. That was until some reckless stupid teenagers who just happened to hear about the legend and being the self proclaimed urban explorers wanting a thrill. So they found where the demon King was hidden which for a couple of teenagers was rather impressive. Only for a string of events that leads them to accidently undo the curse. Whoops. Which lead to those teenagers to either get killed or forced to become his prisoners so to speak. It takes some time but he manages to gain some power once again. The demon race is low in numbers and he of course felt it was only right that those few who still remain have a leader right? Some of the demons were either 'rogue' or those he saw fit to be part of his however council and then lower ranks. Once he felt comfortable so to speak he had time for his experiment. One to create the perfect half and half. Half human and half demon. His first 'breeder' sadly was part of the ones who freed him. She didn't produce any specimens but her life ended by her own hands. Another happened to be lured in by another male teen who resurrected him and once again no specimens to speak of sadly before she died due to her body giving out. By this time sick human followers were slowly seeking to appease the demon and gain grace. One so even offered to be the third breeder. And success sort of. She managed to get pregnant 2 times however the first miscarried. The second died due to complications during birth along with the woman. The fourth was in a similar situation as the third except after the first the baby survived for a week. Before the baby died by the breeders hand. Turns out the fourth breeder went insane after giving birth to a demon child *this child was born looking like a demon and not like a human* thus the demon King showing no mercy and killing her out of rage.
The fifth was a bought woman. She gave birth to a human with no demonic powers. Thus the demon King not having any use for the baby and killing it. The next child was a weak demon child. Who ended up dying due to being over worked and not taken care of properly. The third child seemed promising as it was a human with demonic powers however they ended up getting killed by a demon who decided to betray the demon King for 'selfish reasons' as the demon King would put it. Eventually the fifth breeder passed the age of being able to give birth. Thus skyler's mom came. The 6th breeder. This one was bought. *more of her story in her own chapter* she managed to bare 4 children before skyler. However only one made it to their teenage years before passing away due to them trying to attack the demon King only for them to be shown no mercy and being killed. Either way none were the desired child he wanted anyways. That was until skyler was born. She was born looking like a demon but as she got to a year she managed to gain a human form usually when she got sick. Horn and tail still present. She was trained to be an assassin by said father and he seemed please to know that the more training experiment 6.5 had the more she was able to differentiate between her demon form and her human form. Finally his experiment was a success. He had bachelors set up for her. Wanting this to be profitable and to have less rebellion but before he could. He had to kill skyler's mother thanks to an 'accident' between her and 6.5. Also not to long after that 6.5, skyler, ran away. Leaving a not so happy suitor behind. He had to keep his enemies away and he swore that skyler would pay for leaving at such an important time. He spent years to track her. Using resource and favor after favor for knowledge about her whereabouts. Wondering where his successful experiments was and that is currently where he is now.

Looks: (I know I usually add pictures but for some reason wattpad is being dumb and not letting me.)

Grey skin
Red cat like eyes
Black hair with red tips
Black thick pointy horns that have each have one curve like a J
A black lizard like tail
Huge black bat-like wings
Wears a black tuxedo with a red shirt and matching red handkerchief and black tie.
Has fangs
Black specks on his cheek and arms as if they are freckles.

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