Skyler's mother

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Just trigger warnings well abusive home, rape, and eventual suicide also well deaths since skyler is 6.5 and only child for a reason... so sorry about that.

Blonde hair
Blue eyes.
Pale skin.
Rather short.

Skyler's mom was born into a bad household. One where the parents were neglectful and alcoholics. She has two older brothers and they did there best to take care of her but eventually left leaving her behind. They wanted to take her however as they were going to gaurd academy together they couldn't. They promised they would come back to get her but sadly they never got the chance to. Those two are still alive however her father had different plans.
Skyler's mother was forced to how her father put it, 'use that body of yours to good use' and 'go get us so money just dont get pregnant or else.' She was in her mid to late teen years when countless nights she forced herself to give her body away to sick and twisted men who wanted a 'young girl'. However she gave up waiting for her brothers. She knew she had to leave while she still tried to think better of herself. So she ran away, (parallel to how skyler ran away when she was young) and tried to find a new village and a new start. She did and through hard work on fields she did she was 20 by now. She couldn't find a way to contact her brothers as when then she tried to go to the academy they were apparently went off to find a village to gaurd. They did leave a message saying where they went in case skyler's mom went to find them after realzing she was missing though... it was on the other side of the region. No easy way there. But sadly that wasn't the only tragedy that struck. Her new home village was pillaged she was stolen from, some of her stuff broke but sadly she didnt get the chance to greive. She was taken prisoner and as a pretty young women you could imagine the hell she went through. She was passed along from lacky to lacky until one of the main leaders asked her to come. Apparently a rather successful 'business' man wanted to have her. Apparently he needed a women of child bearing age and one who's body can handle a lot.
Skyler's mom freaked out as the ones keeping her prisoner has been casting a spell on her to prevent her from getting pregnant (there version of birth control)
Skyler's mom begged to not being sold only for the 'business' man to come into the room. It got rather eerie as even the leader of this place was nervous. "You have no choice. He wanted you. And what he says goes. " he looked at the man behind skyler's mom. "Now take her and leave us alone. She is of age and pretty. And she can satisfy your needs as we trained her to do so."
"Pathetic humans wont satify me but I get your point. If she doesnt make it i will come back for another prisoner. I know you have plenty of others."
Skyler's mom finally turned to see who bought her. Only to be face to chest *height difference is definitely there* with the demon king. She gulps as she shakes. The demon king takes her home by practically dragging her to the carriage. Once home he isnt a man of manners or really cares for her as she is just a breeder to him. Eventually she gets pregnant but her first child misscarges. The next one was born but sadly died not even a week after being born due to having a human body but demonic powers thus being too much for the poor babies body. The next was a demon they waited for a while but no human attributes showed and that is not what the demon king wanted. So he sadly killed the baby. Fourth child was promising more human than demon but it was close. So the demon warlock trianed the kid and it was going well until their first mission where they failed it and in turn lost their life. Then there was skyler. A demon baby however unlike the third one skyler when she got sick and weaker showed signs of being a human. During this time skyler's mom was going through her own experiments to make adjustment to her body so a demon hyrbid could be possible in her body. Ones to make sure no matter how negatively it had impacted her body she would live. Her skin turned grey, her stomach felt tighter, and the skin of her stomach was harder. Her body temperature was warmer as if she constantly had a slight fever yet she wouldnt die from it. Her immune system was weaker as well so she got sick easily because if it didnt her body may attack the non human baby inside of her. She found out later thanks to overhearing a message from a community amulet that the demon warlock should have found a witch or a magicks user to breed with as their bodies are stronger than a normal human as they can cast spells or make potions for themselves to make their bodies stronger.
Skyler's mom had it she asked the demon warlock for her freedom now that he got skyler.
But the demon warlock looked at her as if she is crazy. "I just got my first success. You must make me more successful babies to see if this was a fluke or if it is possible. However this time should be easier. Your body got used to it and i called a warlock to assist in your body modifications."
Skyler's mom was devastated. Wishing this would all end. And when she looked at skyler who once she looked at her with hope and with a big smile since she thought she would be free... now she sees her with disgust and hatefulness since now she knows because skyler was born as a success she is definitely never going to have her freedom.  She made a plan to kill skyler and make it look like an accident but as little toddler skyler waddled up to her. Looking up with a big smile her first clear words were said. (She is a bit of a late speaker since the abuse she had taken made her afraid to try and speak.) "Mama. Love you." Because despite all the hell skyler went through with her baby training that her father inflicted on the baby skyler saw her mother as comfort as she never hurt her when she did something wrong.
Skyler's mom looked at the sweet small child and tears up. She couldnt kill her own child. Not even if she is a monster. "Monster... how could you do this to me 6.5... if you just looked a bit more disgusting i could... i could..."
But baby skyler reached up before settling on holding her mom's leg. "Mama..."
Skyler's mom pushed skyler away. "You are a monster." She glared at skyler but her heart breaking. She couldnt hurt the baby. She wanted to hate her calling her a monster like how she calls skyler's father. "You are..." she drifts off realizing she wasnt much better as she was going to kill her own child. She looked down and peice of broke glass she was going to use one skyler and held it tight before plunging it into her chest "... a Monster." She was thinking about herself when she said her last sentence
Skyler would obviously freak out. "Mama!!!" Crying and going to her wishing she could do something but as a small child nothing could be done. Skyler's mom finally is free from the horrible life she went through. Not knowing what happened to her brothers. But also leaving a scared little child who now thinks she is the monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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