Second female

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Name: Amber Heart

Nickname: does not have any

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi but leans more towards guys

Species: half human, half angel

Powers: her power is just the capability to try and bring the best in people and calm a situation down with a small snap. She burns demons but also gets burned herself in the process. She clearly has her angel side powers but no demon powers though she knows she is half demon.

Personality: spunky, a goodie-two-shoes, and rather intellectual. She is nice and a bit daring but will not go over the top. She also a bit shy but once she gets comfortable she teases and jokes around. An optimistic as well. She loves every body so she is really trusting which makes her a bit gullible as well. She tends to be a little bit selfish but would help others if needs be.

Crushes: for males she likes guys herself. Full of spunk but not over the top. They need to let her have her space when needs be, but she needs to know that they will always be there for her no matter what. Also she likes them to be fit and have playfulness.
For girls she wants a girl that can take care of herself. She needs to be smart but also not a know-it-all. She wants herself to be the one in charge but won't go overboard with it. She also must be really patient with her as she sees this relationship as mutual understanding that sometimes she can get really moody and her female partner should understand why.

Likes: she loves skateboarding and flying. She likes to be outdoors than stuck inside. She loves to go hiking and camping but not alone. She needs at least one other person so she can feel safe. She also loves all types of animals and often goes to volunteer in animal shelter as she liked to see and help them. Her favorite color is orange. Favorite food is chicken with rice.

Dislikes: being alone. She also dislikes being bored so she always has to do something. She also doesn't like to be told what to do and how to do it but if given responsibilities she will listen and do them though again she doesn't like it. She also doesn't like how she is half demon.

She does curse but doesn't like to so when she does it means she is over emotional in one way or another.

Background: She was born from a father who was the angel while her mother was a demon. A succubus to be more exact. The mother had turned her father to be a fallen angel but surprisingly was really happy to be with her. She is the same and loves to be with him though sadly his body wasn't enough to satisfy her every need so they eventually spilt up with the father taking care of the little baby known as Amber. She has been bullied all her life as she was a really good and nice girl but never seemed go really fit in. She had to explain constantly that she was nothing like her mother and that her father truly did love her and her mother because why would an angel ever fall for a demon right? She had grown up to be a tad bit rebellious because of the bullying to try and fit in though also her body and mind were still half demon so it was to be expected. She also lived in the mortal realm with her father because they knew she was half demon and that the father had fallen but they didn't mind. She just had to make her angel wings hidden under her shirt and her horns hidden in her hair. Only few mortals really know who she is which were some highschool friends in which she made and still kept in contact with.



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She always wears some type of hat to cover her horns but when she was in school

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She always wears some type of hat to cover her horns but when she was in school. She would wear a headband with holds on the top so it just looked like her horns were apart of her headband.

This is where the mature topics will be placed so stop reading now if you dislike it.

She is experienced and thats when she found out for sure she doesnt have any of her mothers powers other than possibly that she was blessed with her mothers powers to seduce people with just her looks alone.

Her position: she is a power bottom. She doesn't like being on top but knows what she wants and how she wants it and if she has to take control from underneath she will.

Turn ons: one thing about her looks that wasn't shown is that she does have pericings. On her nipples and her tongue and if they are played with in any way she gets turned on easily. She also has an innocent one on her belly button just so you know. She loves the settings where her partner goes hard and fast as she isn't a fragile girl after all her body was made with her mother being a succubus afterall. She also loves wips being used on her along with anal beads. Also plugs and vibrators of any type.

Turn offs: nothing besides blood and pee. She is subconsciously, again thanks to her mother, fine with anything. Oh but she will need to be told in advance what she and her partner will being doing to her beforehand or she will be like 'what do you think you are doing' as she again likes to somewhat in control of what is being done to her.

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