My main male OC

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Name:Alexander Samuel Miller

Nickname: Alex

Age: 24

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual but leans more towards females.

Species: warlocks

Powers: he focuses on healing spells, and potions. He is a decent warlock and has lots to learn so sometimes they don't work but that's just it no negative repercussions at least for the most part.

Personality: He is the very definition of a sweetheart. He always puts others before himself. He will care for everyone but takes even more care for the people he is close to him. He feels guilty if he hurt others around him. He also has this little bit of a wicked side towards the people that hurts the ones he loves. He will always put at least one hex on the person which will bring them bad luck. He is also really smart and loves to learn more. He is extremely patient and loving and caring thus him being good with children.

Crushes: He loves cinnamon rolls. He will also love those who just need someone to love them. He loves girls like skyler(my main female OC so like cinnamon roll girls) but for guys he has a slightly different preference. He likes little nerds like him and loves to make them feel appreciated but also had a thing for bad boys to as long as they treat him right. But for both genders he is looking for the one that needs love at that moment and is willing to shower them in it.

Likes: likes quiet peaceful places, reading, painting, playing a piano, being useful, being around kids, being around animals, spending time with his loved ones. He loves to clean up (yes almost like a clean freak) and take care of his loved ones when they need someone. Being with his little sister. Loves to cook like adores it.

Dislikes: Loud people, when he can not be of any help, being scolded, being in crowds, he hates silence unless it is a comfortable silence with his partner, when people are being rude to his little sister. Being yelled at. Being taken advantage of or others he knows being taken advantage of as well.

He does not curse as well... you know besides cursing others with hexs though so...

Background: He was raised up in an unstable household. He would go back and forth with his sister to his mom's and dad's house. His mom favored his little sister more but he was very understanding in that sense. He would often get in trouble because of his little sister doing something bad because he would take the blame. It would never be that bad. Just getting grounded, the usual stay in your room, no phone, no video games, ect. At his father's house it would be a tad different. His sister and him were treated a bit more spoiled as his father was rich. The parents just separated and the mother is able to support herself just fine and the kids but just not as well money wise as the father. His father though disliked him a bit as the son was not the 'strong average guy' that would be out doing sports. His mother was the witch thus the warlock thing. His mother also knew about him being bi but the father does not. He had an average background in retrospective. He learned he had magic when he made his sister float as she jumped off the bunk bed that he had accidentally discovered his magic.



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So once again this is where it gets mature so once again this is the fair warning

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So once again this is where it gets mature so once again this is the fair warning.

He is not a virgin unless he is supposed to in a scenario. He lost it during college. But he has not had anything in his well butthole. He lost it to his girlfriend but both had just fell out of love and he was devastated but learned to move on but hasn't gotten intimate with anyone since then.

His position: with girls he is a switch he can be on top if the girl wants the man to take control but he will also be submissive to her if she really wants it. With a guy he isn't exactly looking for someone to enter his asshole so he will let them ride him or he will be the one going in but if someone somehow convinced him he would be willing to try but that will be a lot of convincing.

Turn on: he likes being in control but he isn't a hardcore dom. He likes talking dirty even though he gets really flustered by it? Touching inappropriately of any kind. His neck is his weak spot. He loves pulling hair. And most of all when his partner dresses in just his shirt or takes his glasses and wears them.

Turn offs: blood, to much pain, being tied up, being told to hurry up (he likes going at his own pace but if they say faster that doesn't count) and well anything gross. He also doesn't like being called out for not really being experienced since again he has only done it with that one girl.

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