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Mono ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from the wall of eyes behind him. He could see six up ahead, her small form struggling to keep going. Considering how pained she had seemed while in the monster form he didn't blame her. The platform between them broke. He sped up and jumped just as the ground beneath him gave out. A small hand grabbed his. He looked up into the black eyes of his friend. "Pull me up six" he pleaded. He was either going to be pulled up by the girl or left to fall into the abyss. Something about it didn't feel right. The girl seemed to take a moment to think about it. "Please" he pleaded again. She nodded and pulled him up. He sighed in relief the moment he was on solid ground. A staticy door loomed infront of them. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards it. The moment he touched it the world glitched around them, before they where sent hurtling out of a tv. "Ow" he muttered. He heard the girl next to him make a noise of agreement.

Six pov

She had never felt emotions. Ever. For as far back as she could remember there had been an empty feeling inside her. She could feel lonely though, as well as attachment. Mono was her first and only friend, the other children finding her creepy. She had decided that she would feel lonely without the boy and had pulled him up. She realised she felt attachment to the boy. Another feeling went through her, one she had grown intimately familiar with on the maw. Something about the tower they had left had caused her hunger attacks to disappear. They where back now though. She groaned and fell to her knees. "Six, whats wrong" mono asked, what she believed was worry in his tone. She coughed as another wave of hunger pain swept through her. She mimed eating something. Mono nodded and left. She was alone temporarily. "Well little ayano, haven't you ended up in a predicament." She glared at the shadowy silhouette of herself. Her shadow doppleganger laughed. "Your welcome, by the way. I doubt mono would have found you so quickly if i hadn't led him in the right direction." She scoffed at the doppleganger, then entered another coughing fit. If she could feel it, she would hate her hunger attacks and the pain that came with them. "I hope mono brings that food soon, otherwise he'll be on the menu." With that her doppleganger left, a mocking laugh in it's place. Mono returned then, some bread clenched in his hand. He approached her, and held the bread out to her. She barely managed to prevent herself jumping on him and tearing out his throat. She took the bread and curled into a ball around it. She ate quickly. The pain was gone now. Good. She stood up once she was done. "I suppose we look around" she nodded.

Timeskip: 7 years later
She stared at her ceiling. She was...content when she reunited with her parents. They had left pale city behind, and travelled in a direction. It was a jaring experience, having everything go from massive to appropriately sized between one step and another. She had stepped back and everything had grown back to titanic sizes. Even mono, a singular step ahead of her had grown giant. Or maybe she had shrunk. Mono had called it freaky how the enviroment was so different.

A knock sounded on her door. It opened to admit her mother. "Good morning Ayano." Her mother greeted cheerfully. She wondered how much of it was an act. Her mother had reminded her often that she had been just like Ayano when she was her age. Did finding that person who completes her really change her that much? "Me and your father are going away for a while. I have business to take care of in america. Try not to give your brother too much of a hard time, k?" And then her mother left the room, humming a tune that had alway's lulled her to sleep in the past. She felt her body relax, eyelids drooping, before a hand bopping her gently on the head woke her up again. "Get dressed Ayano, we have school today, remember?" Clearly mono had come to make sure she didn't fall back asleep. Her parents had adopted mono, although she was sure he was unofficially her babysitter. As amusing as that thought probably was, it did nothing to rouse an emotional reaction from her. She stood up as mono left the room, satisfied she wouldn't drift off again. She had a habit of doing that, especially when she had to be up early. She had wondered why at one point, but had decided it was probably just her body's way of telling her it was tired still. Once she had dressed she headed downstairs to eat. She heard her mother call out a goodbye and the door shut. Her father hadn't spoken to her in years, not since the incident a few months after she had been reunited with her parents. She had been asleep at the time. Mother had left to do some shopping, leaving her father alone with her and mono. Her father had entered her room and approached her bed. Once there he had grabbed a pillow and attempted to suffocate her with it. She had woken up the moment her air had been cut off, unable to see her father but knowing he was there from his crys of "im sorry, please forgive me for this, but this cycle needs to end." She hadn't, and still didn't, understand why her father had tried to kill her. Her head had just started to go fuzzy as she felt something bubbling up inside her, learning later that she had felt fear, as she was suffocating. Mono had saved her life yet again, having thrown an axe at her father. He had missed, but not by much. Just as her frail little body had been about to give out on her, the pillow had been removed and there was her mother and mono. Mono was angry, but her mother looked down right furious. Her little chest had heaved as she tried to get oxygen into her lungs. Her father had just looked defeated. "Mono stay with Ayano, i need to have a "talk" with jokichi here" her tone had made it clear that she wanted no arguments. She hadn't seen her father again for 4 months, and he wouldn't speak or interact with her when he returned. She wondered what her mother had done to him, as he was completely different to the man she remembered. Any attachment to the man had disapeared the moment she was smothered with a pillow. Her mother had never left him in the house after that, taking him with her when she left. She had, on occasion, left him locked in the basement. She had one of the other keys to the basement, mother having said she may need to use it at some point.

Once breakfast had finished they made their way to akademi high. Mono had found the name amusing, though he wouldn't tell her why, just saying she wouldn't get it. While roaming the halls towards their classroom she bumped into something, and fell backwards. She sat there for a moment, wondering what on earth just happened. A hand appeared in her vision. A voice spoke up, a voice that sent new, strange feelings throughout her body. "Sorry, i didn't see you there. Here, let me help you up." She grabbed the offered hand and looked up into the face of a boy. Her cheeks grew hot and she looked away, unsure what to do. Several feelings went through her. She could feel emotions brimming up from within. Then the hand let go of her's. She almost whined, the euphoric feeling dissipating rapidly. The boy apologised again and left. She followed him at a distance, no longer caring about class. She needed him, needed to feel that sensation again. She heard mono's footsteps following her. "So, who's the unlucky sod that your stalking?" Her brother asked her. She didn't reply. The boy rounded a corner. She peeked round. What she saw caused her insides to twist and another emotion welled up. Senpai was talking to another girl. "I know him. Taro yamada, you've met him before. She turned to look at mono. She was fairly sure she would remember that euphoric, intoxicating feeling. Mono shrugged. "Maybe your hormones are starting to kick in properly, i dont know." He paused "mum might be able to shed light on this mystery, but she's on a plane at the moment." She turned back to senpai just in time for the orange haired girl to hit him on over the head. The burning feeling of anger rose up again, stronger this time. "Stop being late all the time taro" the girl yelled at senpai "you always keep me waiting." Senpai rubbed the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry osana, it wont happen again." Now she had a name for the bitch. "You always say that taro, and your always late." Osana sighed. "Perhaps she should ring him in the morning, with how loud she is he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again." Her brother suggested. "No, bad mono" she stated blankly. "Is Aya feeling jealous?" Mono questioned, amused. She blinked,then poked herself in the chest. "Is that what this burning feeling is?" She asked. Mono shook his head "nope, thats anger." She had thought so. Mono looked at his watch. "Come on, we have to get to class" she whined at that, wanting to spend more time stalking senpai. Mono grabbed her and dragged her towards their classroom. "You can stalk him later Ayano." Was mono's response to her complaints.

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