4th Elimination and 5th kill: cult of Ayano

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It was lunch the sunday marking 4 weeks since school had started when Info-chan texted her again. She only had to glance at the picture to know who her target was this week, and she already knew how to deal with her. "So who is it?" Mono asked. "Oka Ruto, president of the Occult club." Mono tilted his head. "The kinda creepy girl you made friends with last year?" She nodded. "Eliminating her is easy. A little bit of intimidation will go a long way."
"How come?"
"Oka is a coward."

That monday, after meeting Shiromi at the gates, she made her way to the occult club. Oka noticed her immediately. "Hi Ayano, are you here to join my club?" Oka asked. She shrugged. "Meh, why not." Oka smiled, then gave her the midnight choker that indicated she was part of the occult club. Oka then surprised her by giving her a hug. She returned it, then Oka released her with a small smile. "Everyone, we have a new member. Say hi and introduce yourselves to Ayano Aishi." None of the Occult club members moved beyond sending a glance her way. Oka rubbed the back of her neck. "They're shy. But they'll warm up to you eventually." She shrugged. "I've been labelled kinda creepy, them being shy doesn't bother me." Oka gave a half hearted chuckle.

She confronted Oka during cleaning time, since Oka was the only person in the Occult club. "Oka?"
"Yes Ayano?" Oka asked as she turned to look at her. "You have a crush on Taro, right?" She nodded. "I do, why do you ask?"
"I have a crush on him too..." Oka looked surprised. "Really? You never showed interest in anyone before." She nodded. "Taro is different. Stay away from him." Oka paused, then nodded. "Okay Aya, I'll let you have your man." She blinked. "That was... easier then I thought it'd be." Oka snorted. "I would be a terrible friend if I took your first crush from you. When do you plan on asking him out?" She shrugged. "Not sure. Shiromi is helping me." Oka blinked. "I thought the Student council and you didn't get along?" She shook her head. "No, just Megami. No clue why though." Oka let out a "huh" at that information.

That evening, she joined the occult club for club activities. This consisted of them standing around a pentagram and chanting in latin in an attempt to summon a demon. Of course, nothing happened. Only Oka looked dissapointed. She hummed thoughtfully. "Have you ever tried a blood sacrifice?" Oka looked at her confused. "Why would we sacrifice someone?" She sighed, then grabbed the ritual knife and cut her hand with it. The occult club members all froze momentarily, then Oka led them in chanting again. For some reason, this had the effect of making her shadows shoot out and wrap around each member of the club. Several gasps followed, breaking the trance she had found herself in and freeing the occult club members from her shadows. She was not expecting the Occult club members to look at her in reverance and fear, before they started bowing to her.

Shiromi confronted her the next morning. "Ayano, what did you do to the occult club?" She looked Shiromi in the eyes. "I don't know. One moment everything was normal, the next the Occult club is bowing to me. Saying I'm confused is like saying Mono is in love with you. Very accurate." Shiromi sighed. "I thought you'd say that, but the president demanded that I ask. Oh, and expect to get accosted by the other student council members for the rest of the day. Megami is convinced you did something."
"If by something you mean ask Oka to stay away from Taro, then yes I did something. If you mean something besides that, I did not do something." Shiromi ruffled her hair. "That makes perfect sense Ayano. Shall we work on your people skills?" She nodded.

"Aoi, you don't need to follow Ayano around everywhere she goes." Shiromi told her fellow council member at lunch. Aoi frowned. "But the president said-"
"I don't give a fuck what the president Said Aoi!" She yelled, causing Kuroko to sigh as Akane gasped. "Shiromi! Watch your language." Akane stated, but she ignored her. "Shiromi, please do not say things like that, it is unbecoming of you."
"Is it unbecoming to be protective of my boyfriend's sister when said Sister is being followed every minute of the day, including to the Fucking Bathroom?" The other girls looked at Aoi with wide eyes. "Aoi, please tell me you didn't." Aoi looked away. Akane crossed her arms. "I agree with Shiromi, that's too far." Kuroko pinched her nose. "This is why I suggested we have Shiromi keep an eye on Ayano instead of us all." A sigh came from the computer on the desk. "Yes, I can see that now Kuroko. Aoi, please stop following Ayano around."
"But prez-"
"Aoi, I didn't say for you to back chat. Shiromi, ple-"
"No, I will not spy on Ayano for you. Why are you so suspicious of her anyway?" Megami sighed again, then her face appeared on the screen of the computer. Behind her was a beach, although Megami herself looked like she had only just gotten up. "You really want to know why I despise Ayano? Fine, I'll tell you. 1989, Sumire Saitozaki was murdered. The newspapers said that there was no culprit found, but in reality it was Ryoba Aishi, mother of Ayano Aishi." She raised her eyebrow. "And your proof to this?"
"There isn't any, Ryoba did a good job of hiding the evidence."
"Then how do you know it was Ryoba. In case you forgot, you hadn't even been born then."
"You don't understand Shiromi, I know Ryoba did it because I know the Aishi family. They are nothing but monsters that should be wiped from the earth. They kill, they hurt others, just for the sake of love. If Ayano hasn't already killed, she will soon."
"The only unsolved murder is Osana's, and there's no evidence to say Ayano killed her. Amai was murdered by some random girl who then killed herself, and Kizana commited suicide on stage. Now, I can believe Ryoba commiting murder, Her husband is terrified of her after all, but Ayano? No, that girl couldn't harm a fly."
"Megami, with all due respect, you are over reacting. There is no evidence to say Ayano did anything, and Ryoba got cleared of all charges. From everything you've said, you sound delusional." Megami spluttered at Akane's words. "I'm leaving, I have places to be after all." She left the room, leaving Megami to get chewed out by Akane.

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