Third kill: Drama club Drama

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She had just finished her breakfast when Info chan texted her. Another rival had sprung up, and now she needed to remove her. "Mother, what is the best way to kill a popular person?" Her mother hummed as her father let out a groan. "Well, there are several ways. You could start a horrid rumour about that person, so Horrid that they end up commiting Suicide. You could just murder them, but it will have to be perfectly timed. Or you could have them accidentally kill themselves." She nodded thoughtfully. "Alternately Ayano, you could try and match them with someone else, or get them expelled." She blinked at her Father, while Mother thought for a moment. "I suppose that could work, though you would have no assurance they wouldn't try to take Taro from you again."
"It would also not hurt his mental health to the point he starts to think any girl he gets close to will die." She blinked again. "Is that from Experience Dad?" Mono asked, to which her Father nodded. "Yes, I developed many issues after Ryoba murdered my previous girlfriends. Then she got arrested and I thought the nightmare was over. How wrong I was, I pity that boy." She turned to Mono. "I don't get it." Her Mother laughed, while Mono tapped his chin. "How best to explain. If you kill all your rivals, then Taro won't want to date you because he doesn't want you to die as well. Honestly your best option, outside of killing them all, is to vary the ways you get rid of them. So who is the unlucky girl to gain your ire this week?"
"Kizana Sunobu."
"Isn't that the girl Shiromi had to drag off you last year because you bumped into her?" She nodded. "Yes... I don't like her."
"So how are you going to kill her? If she dies you will be the first person people will expect." She raised an eyebrow. "I could do it the same way I did with Amai, but no. I simply need a puppet that is part of the Drama club, a knife and a fake Suicide note." Everyone at the table blinked. "Aya, please explain this plan of yours." Mother asked. She nodded. "Once obtained, I will use the Drama club puppet to switch out the prop knife for a real one, while also using one of the other puppets to spread lies about Kizana. Lies that hint that she may be suicidal. I need to make a call." She got up, then went into her room and dialed Info-Chan's number. "Hello Ayano, what can I do for you?"
"I need information, and some assistance arranging a kidnapping."
"Does the Drama club have any plays coming up?" She heard the sound of Info-Chan typing, then "yes, the Drama club is doing Romeo and Juliet this week and next week. Juliet is played by Kizana and Romeo is played by... Taro. I... was not aware he had joined the Drama club." She blinked at that. "Juliet is the one who stabs herself right?"
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"I plan to swap out the prop knife for a real knife. Which members of the Club have access to the prop room?"
"They all do, but for you I would Recommend Tokuko Kitagawa. I take it you're going to Kidnap her?"
"Yes, I need you to explain her absence during the time she is missing."
"It'll cost you."
"Name it."
"A pornographic video, or Nudes of yourself."
"I'll get you that Video." She hung up, then went back to the kitchen. "Mother, I require your assistance." Her Mother turned to her. "What do you need Aya? Torture Tips?" She shook her head. "For my plan to work I need to send my... Contact a Pornographic Video."
"And you have no Idea how to make one." It wasn't a question, but she nodded. Her Mother chuckled. "Very well, come along Aya. We are going to the Basement." She followed her Mother into the basement. Her "lab" assistant Puppet turned to them the moment they entered. Her Mother made a "wait one moment" gesture, then went over to the door that she hadn't even noticed, part of the wall sliding outwards to show a door. She blinked. "How long has that been there?" Mother shrugged. "Not sure, probably as long as the Internet, if not longer. Pick a Puppet." She pointed at the assistant puppet. "You, in that room now."
"Yes Mistress." The Puppet shambled in, then Mother gestured her in. She followed, finding that they were in a room with cameras pointing at the white bed in the Centre. "Order your puppet to strip and lie on the bed." She did, and the puppet rushed to obey. Mother pulled out a Vibrator and a strap from the Draw, then turned to her. "This is the simplest way to film one of these videos. First, make sure her face isn't visible to the Cameras." She did so, and all didn't need moving. She turned back to her mother to find the girl was tied to the bed, legs spread wide open to give the Cameras an excellent veiw of her pussy. "Hit the green button Ayano." She did, and red lights started flashing on the Cameras. Mother placed the Vibrator against the Puppet's lower lips, causing moans to tear themselves from her mouth. Her mother glanced at the clock, then whispered into her ear that she needed to head up or she would be late for school and that she would send the Video to her later. They were met by Shiromi at the gates, which was a surprise. The next surprise was when Mono and Shiromi shared a kiss. "Wait, when did you two get together?" She asked.
"Last week while you were off sick. I didn't tell you because it wasn't important." She blinked, then shrugged. "Alright."

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